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[英]Split list by element value


例如列表[1; 2; 3; 0; 2; 4; 0; 5; 6; 0; 7] [1; 2; 3; 0; 2; 4; 0; 5; 6; 0; 7] [1; 2; 3; 0; 2; 4; 0; 5; 6; 0; 7]並且檢查元素0應該返回[[1; 2; 3]; [2; 4]; [5; 6]; [7]] [[1; 2; 3]; [2; 4]; [5; 6]; [7]]


[1; 2; 3; 0; 2; 4; 0; 5; 6; 0; 7] [1; 2; 3; 0; 2; 4; 0; 5; 6; 0; 7]將返回[[1; 2; 3]; [0; 2; 4]; [0; 5; 6]; [0; 7]] [[1; 2; 3]; [0; 2; 4]; [0; 5; 6]; [0; 7]]

這是order ascending split的方法

let split2 lst =
    let folder (a, b) (cur, acc) = 
        match a with
        | _ when a < b -> a::cur, acc
        | _ -> [a], cur::acc

    let result = List.foldBack folder (List.pairwise lst) ([List.last lst], []) 
    (fst result)::(snd result)

printfn "%A" (split2 thelist)


let folder (a) (cur, acc) = 
    match a with
    | _ when a <> 0 -> a::cur, acc
    | _ -> [], cur::acc

let split lst =
    let result = List.foldBack folder (lst) ([], [])
    (fst result)::(snd result)

printfn "%A" (split thelist)

我不再需要pairwise ,因為我只逐個檢查元素,但是定義為[]currentacumulator讓我感到困惑,我不確定解決方案是否正確,即使我得到了所需的 output



let list = [1; 2; 3; 0; 2; 4; 0; 0; 5; 6; 0; 7]

|> Seq.fold (fun state number ->
    match number with
    | 0 -> []::state
    | x -> 
        match state with
        | [] -> [] // never here, actually
        | h::t -> [x::h]@t
|> List.map List.rev
|> List.rev
|> List.filter (List.isEmpty >> not)

因此,您的 state 是一個列表列表(無論如何,這是您最終想要的)。 您需要反轉內部列表,然后是外部列表(如果您關心順序)。

我在最后添加了過濾器來處理連續 0 的結果,這會產生空列表。 您可以在 function 文件夾中處理它,它只會使代碼比現在更冗長。


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