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[英]Can I cluster these records without having to run these loops for every record?

所以我想對這張表中的記錄進行聚類,以找出哪些記錄是“相似的”(即有足夠的共同點)。 該表的示例如下:

        author beginpage endpage volume publication year  id_old  id_new
0          NaN       495     497    NaN             1975       1       1
1          NaN       306     317     14             1997       2       2
2        lowry       265     275    193             1951       3       3
3    smith p k        76      85    150             1985       4       4
4          NaN       248     254    NaN             1976       5       5
5     hamill p        85     100    391             1981       6       6
6          NaN      1513    1523      7             1979       7       7
7     b oregan       737     740    353             1991       8       8
8          NaN       503     517     98             1975       9       9
9      de wijs       503     517     98             1975       10      10

在這個小表中,最后一行的 'new_id' 應該等於 9,以表明這兩條記錄相似。

為了實現這一點,我編寫了下面的代碼,它適用於少量記錄。 但是,我想將我的代碼用於包含 15000 條記錄的表。 當然,如果您進行數學計算,使用此代碼將花費太長時間。 誰能幫助我使這段代碼更有效率? 提前致謝!


for r in range(0,len(dfhead)):
    for o_r in range(r+1,len(dfhead)):
        if ((dfhead.loc[r,c] == dfhead.loc[o_r,c]).sum() >= 3) :
            if (dfhead.loc[o_r,['id_new']] > dfhead.loc[r,['id_new']]).sum() ==1: 
                dfhead.loc[o_r,['id_new']] = dfhead.loc[r,['id_new']]

如果您只是想檢測“beginpage”、“endpage”、“volume”、“publication”、“year”之間的整體相等性,則應該嘗試處理重復項。 我不確定這一點,因為您的代碼對我來說仍然是一個謎。

這樣的事情可能會起作用(盡管您的列“id”首先需要在 dataframe 中命名為“id_old”):

cols = ["beginpage", "endpage","volume", "publication", "year"]

#isolate duplicated rows
duplicated = df[df.duplicated(cols, keep=False)]

#find the minimum key to keep
temp = duplicated.groupby(cols, as_index=False)['index'].min()
temp.rename({'id_old':'id_new'}, inplace=True, axis=1)

#import the "minimum key" to duplicated by merging the dataframes
duplicated = duplicated.merge(temp, on=cols, how="left")

#gather the "un-duplicated" rows
unduplicated = df[~df.duplicated(cols, keep=False)]

#concatenate both datasets and reset the index
new_df = unduplicated.append(duplicated)
new_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

#where "id_new" is empty, then the data comes from "unduplicated"
#and you could fill the datas from id_old
ix = new_df[new_df.id_new.isnull()].index
new_df.loc[ix, 'id_new'] = new_df.loc[ix, 'id_old']


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