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在露天 windRose 圖的面板之間添加空間

[英]Add Space Between Panels of Openair windRose Plots

我使用openair package 創建了一些 windrose 圖,我對它們的結果非常滿意,但從美學上講,面板之間有一些空間會很好。 這是一個例子:

# windrose plot----

windRose(mydata[1:144,], ws="ws", wd="wd", 
         paddle = F, 
         type = 'weekday', 
         key.header = 'Wind Speed (m/s)',
         key.footer = "",
         annotate = F,
         angle = 30, # angle of "spokes"...sort of bins for wind direction
         cols =  'jet',
         key.position = 'right',
         dig.lab = 2,
         statistic = 'prop.count', #“prop.count” sizes bins according to the 
         # proportion of the frequency of measurements
         fontsize = 20,
         grid.line = 100,
         max.freq = 105, # maximum value for the radial limits
         key = list(header = "Wind Speed (m/s)",
                    footer = '',
                    labels = c('0 to 2', '2 to 4', 
                               '4 to 6','6 or more'),
                    breaks = c(0,2,4,6)),
         layout = c(6,1)


經過一番挖掘后,我發現這個 plot function 使用格子圖,這里有一個很好的概述: https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~ihaka/787/lectures-trellis.pdf

具體來說, xyplot function 用於創建網格?xyplot的幫助文檔顯示您可以調整參數between以實現面板之間的間距。 between參數是一個列表,其中包含表示面板之間空間的 x 和 y 值。 因此我們可以簡單地通過添加參數between = list(x=0.25, y = 0.25)來調整上面的代碼,並且可以像這樣調整 x 和 y 到我們的偏好:


windRose(mydata[1:144,], ws="ws", wd="wd", 
         paddle = F, 
         type = 'weekday', 
         key.header = 'Wind Speed (m/s)',
         key.footer = "",
         annotate = F,
         angle = 30, # angle of "spokes"...sort of bins for wind direction
         cols =  'jet',
         key.position = 'right',
         dig.lab = 2,
         statistic = 'prop.count', #“prop.count” sizes bins according to the 
         # proportion of the frequency of measurements
         fontsize = 20,
         grid.line = 100,
         max.freq = 105, # maximum value for the radial limits
         key = list(header = "Wind Speed (m/s)",
                    footer = '',
                    labels = c('0 to 2', '2 to 4', 
                               '4 to 6','6 or more'),
                    breaks = c(0,2,4,6)),
         layout = c(6,1),
         between = list(x=0.25, y=0.25)


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