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[英]How to distinguish between multiple forms submitted in one form in Django?

我有多個 forms 的相同基礎 class 像這樣:

class DatabaseForm(forms.Form):
    active = forms.BooleanField(required=False)  # Determines, if username and password is required
    username = forms.CharField(label="Username", required=False)
    password = forms.CharField(label="Password", required=False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['active'].label = self.label

    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(DatabaseForm, self).clean()
        active = cleaned_data.get("ative")
        username = cleaned_data.get("username")
        password = cleaned_data.get("password")
        if active and not (username and password):
            raise forms.ValidationError("Please fill in the required database configuration")

        return cleaned_data

class MySQLForm(DatabaseForm):
    label = "MySQL"

class PostgreSQLForm(DatabaseForm):
    label = "PostgreSQL"

class SqliteForm(DatabaseForm):
    label = "Sqlite3"



<form action="." method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ mysql_form }}
    {{ postgres_form }}
    {{ sqlite_form }}
    <a id="database-submit-btn" href="#submit"
    class="btn btn-success submit-button">Submit</a>

問題:當用戶通過選擇“活動”字段選擇數據庫時,其他數據庫的“活動”字段設置為 True。 似乎我無法區分多個字段,因為它們在 POST 請求中具有相同的鍵(但我不確定這是整個問題): 'username': ['mysql test', 'postgres test', 'sqlite test'], 'password': ['mysql password', 'postgres password', 'sqlite password']


您可以在初始化 forms 時傳遞prefix參數,這為每個字段名稱提供一個前綴,並允許您擁有多個具有相同字段名稱的 forms

def foo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        mysql_form = MySQLForm(request.POST, prefix='mysql')
        postgres_form = PostgreSQLForm(request.POST, prefix='postgres')
        sqlite_form = SqliteForm(request.POST, prefix='sqlite')
        mysql_form = MySQLForm(prefix='mysql')
        postgres_form = PostgreSQLForm(prefix='postgres')
        sqlite_form = SqliteForm(prefix='sqlite')

或者您可以為 class 本身中的每個表單硬編碼一個前綴

class MySQLForm(DatabaseForm):
    label = "MySQL"
    prefix = "mysql"

class PostgreSQLForm(DatabaseForm):
    label = "PostgreSQL"
    prefix = "postgresql"

class SqliteForm(DatabaseForm):
    label = "Sqlite3"
    prefix = "sqlite3"


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