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我將如何在 C# 中對這些序列化/反序列化方法進行單元測試?

[英]How would I Unit Test these Serialization/Deserialization methods in C#?

我目前正在嘗試為我的一個項目編寫一些單元測試,該項目存儲有關健身房會話的詳細信息列表,並且不知道如何這樣做,因為單元測試對我來說相當新。 序列化的方法是 SaveState() 和反序列化的方法是 LoadState() 並且在運行時都可以正常工作,我只需要編寫一些單元測試來快速證明這一點。 allSessions 從中獲取的列表(會話)來自另一個保存數據的 class 但我不知道在測試時是否真的需要它,或者您是否只是在測試本身中替換其他東西。 非常感謝任何幫助。

    public class SessionsManager
        const string FILENAME = "SessionFile.dat";
        //declare private list for events 
        private List<Session> allSessions;

        // Public Property
        public List<Session> AllSessions { get => allSessions; set => allSessions = value; }

        //creating constructor to hold lists 
        public SessionsManager()
            AllSessions = new List<Session>();

        public void SaveState()
            //Formatter object
            BinaryFormatter biFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            //stream object to create file types
            FileStream outFile = new FileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            //Save the whole list in one
            biFormatter.Serialize(outFile, allSessions);

            //Close the stream, dont want them crossing after all

        public void LoadState()
            //Formatter object
            BinaryFormatter biiFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            //stream object to read file
            FileStream InFile = new FileStream(FILENAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            //Deserialise the whole list
            allSessions = ((List<Session>)biiFormatter.Deserialize(InFile));

            //close stream



我希望您建議重構SessionsManager class 並添加將序列化到 stream (輸入參數)的新方法,例如

public static T LoadState<T>(Stream stream)
  BinaryFormatter biiFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
  return (T)biiFormatter.Deserialize(stream);

public static void SaveState<T>(Stream stream, T value)
  BinaryFormatter biFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
  biFormatter.Serialize(outFile, value);


  • SessionsManager class 中使用這些方法
  • 測試這些方法以檢查序列化是否有效
public void TestSerialize()
  using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
    SessionsManager.SaveState(ms, new List<Session>() { new Session() } );
    ms.Position = 0;
    var res = SessionManager.LoadState<List<Session>>(ms);

    Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Count); // check that there are the same count of elements e.g.


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