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如何在.Net Core中DI注冊FirebaseApp?

[英]How to DI register FirebaseApp in .Net Core?

我應該如何在 Net core 中注冊 FirebaseApp 實例? 作為 singleton 之類的

   services.AddSingleton<FirebaseApp>(sp =>
       FirebaseApp.Create(new AppOptions
           Credential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(settings)


   services.AddScoped<FirebaseApp>(sp =>
       FirebaseApp.Create(new AppOptions
           Credential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(settings)


因此,在 .net 6 中的構建器之后,我只需使用以下命令對其進行實例化:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// after the builder so that I can get the configurations for google credentials
// check if the instance is already loaded, if not build it up
if(FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance == null)
    FirebaseApp.Create(new AppOptions()
        Credential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(AuthConfig.GetGoogleCredentialObject(builder.Configuration).ToString())


您只需調用實例並加載其他 firebase 模塊,如下所示:

// this is a singleton and the props are static so available anytime
var customToken = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;

// use the instance from the singleton
await FirebaseAuth.GetAuth(customToken).SetCustomUserClaimsAsync(uid, additionalClaims);


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