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如何使用 Google 日歷 API 在 C# 中的 Google Meet 中創建帶有視頻會議的活動?

[英]How to create event with videoconference in Google Meet in C# using Google Calendar API?


            CalendarService service;
            GoogleCredential credential;

                string[] scopes = new string[] { CalendarService.Scope.Calendar };
                using (var stream = new FileStream(@"C:\Prueba\meet.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream)
                service = new CalendarService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                    HttpClientInitializer = credential

                Event calendarEvent = new Event();
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                calendarEvent.Kind = "";
                calendarEvent.Summary = "prueba";
                calendarEvent.Status = "confirmed";
                calendarEvent.Visibility = "public";
                calendarEvent.Description = "prueba";

                calendarEvent.Creator = new Event.CreatorData
                    Email = "email@example.com", //email@example.com
                    Self = true

                calendarEvent.Organizer = new Event.OrganizerData
                    Email = "email@example.com",
                    Self = true

                calendarEvent.Start = new EventDateTime
                    DateTime = start,
                    TimeZone = "America/Mexico_City"

                calendarEvent.End = new EventDateTime
                    DateTime = start.AddHours(1),
                    TimeZone = "America/Mexico_City"

                calendarEvent.Recurrence = new String[] { "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=1" };
                calendarEvent.Sequence = 0;
                calendarEvent.HangoutLink = "";

                calendarEvent.ConferenceData = new ConferenceData
                    CreateRequest = new CreateConferenceRequest
                        RequestId = "1234abcdef",
                        ConferenceSolutionKey = new ConferenceSolutionKey
                            Type = "hangoutsMeet"
                        Status = new ConferenceRequestStatus
                            StatusCode = "success"
                    EntryPoints = new List<EntryPoint>
                        new EntryPoint
                            EntryPointType = "video",
                            Uri = "",
                            Label = ""
                    ConferenceSolution = new ConferenceSolution
                        Key = new ConferenceSolutionKey
                            Type = "hangoutsMeet"
                        Name = "Google Meet",
                        IconUri = ""
                    ConferenceId = ""

                //calendarEvent.EventType = "default";

                EventsResource.InsertRequest request = service.Events.Insert(calendarEvent, "email@example.com");
                request.ConferenceDataVersion = 0;
                Event createEvent = request.Execute();
                string url = createEvent.HangoutLink;
            catch (Exception ex)



當我執行第 116 行時: Event createEvent = request.Execute(); 我收到此錯誤: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError 會議類型值無效。 [400] 錯誤 [消息[無效的會議類型值。] 位置 [-] 原因 [無效] 域 [全局]

我不知道這個錯誤是什么意思,我錯了 誰能幫我舉個例子,使用來自 Google API 日歷的類 C# 創建一個事件?

createRequestC# 庫文檔中所述:

需要conferenceSolution 和至少一個entryPoint,或者需要createRequest。

這意味着您應該使用CreateConferenceRequest ,因為這個會議是全新的(如果它已經存在,那么您可能希望將ConferenceSolutionEntryPoints一起使用)。 因此,只需刪除ConferenceSolutionEntryPoints以僅保留CreateConferenceRequest ,如文檔中指定的用於生成新會議並將其附加到事件中。


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