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使用 python 中的子 class 繼承正確屬性的問題

[英]Problems with inheriting the correct property with the child class in python

我需要讓子 class 從父 class 繼承。 我繼續得到“TypeError: init ()缺少1個必需的位置參數:'species'”或者名稱經常被分配給名稱並且名稱繼續返回為無。

import unittest
import time

class Mammal:
   """ A Mammal class to further populate our animal kingdom """

   def __init__(self, species, name):
       """ mammal constructor can initialize class attributes """
       self.species = species
       self.name = None

   def eat(self, food):
       """ a method that will 'eat' in O(n) time """
       i = food
       print(self.name, "the", self.species, "is about to eat")
       while i >= 1:
           i = i // 2
       print("    ", self.name, "is done eating!")

   def makeNoise(self):
      """ a method that should be implemented by children classes """
      raise NotImplementedError("this method should be implemented by child class")

在此處添加您需要/想要的任何其他基礎 CLASS 方法

def __eq__(self, object):
   return isinstance(object, Mammal) and object.species == self.species


class Hippo(Mammal):
   def __init__(self, name, species):
       self.name = name
       self.species = 'hippo'
   def getName(self):
       return self.name
   def setName(self, h):
       self.name = h
   def makeNoise(self):
       return 'grunting'

class Elephant(Mammal):
   def __init__(self, name, species):
       self.name = name
       self.species = 'elephant'
   def getName(self):
       return self.name
   def setName(self, e):
       self.name = e
   def makeNoise(self):
       return 'trumpeting'

class TestMammals(unittest.TestCase):
   """ a class that is derived from TestCase to allow for unit tests to run """

   def testInheritance(self):
       """ confirm that Elephant and Hippo are children classes of Mammal """
       self.assertTrue(issubclass(Elephant, Mammal) and issubclass(Hippo, Mammal))

def testEqOperator(self):
       hip1 = Hippo('John')
       hip2 = Hippo('Arnold')
       self.assertEqual(hip1, hip2)
def main():
   """ a 'main' function to keep program clean and organized """
   print("-------------------- start main --------------------")
   e = Elephant("Ellie")
   h = Hippo("Henry")
   if(e == h):
      print(e.getName(), "and", h.getName(), "are of the same species")
      print(e.getName(), "and", h.getName(), "are *not* of the same species")

   def listenToMammal(Mammal):


   print("--------------------- end main ---------------------")
if __name__ == "__main__":

在此處輸入圖像描述這是 output 的外觀,但我很困惑

您仍在定義Hippo.__init__以獲取 2 arguments,即使您忽略了物種參數。 你可以放下那個。 您還應該使用Mammal.__init__而不是自己設置屬性。

class Hippo(Mammal):
   def __init__(self, name):
       super().__init__(self, name, species='hippo')
   def getName(self):
       return self.name
   def setName(self, h):
       self.name = h
   def makeNoise(self):
       return 'grunting'

getNamesetName不是必需的; 您可以直接訪問name屬性


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