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'str' object 沒有屬性 'decode' 錯誤

[英]'str' object has no attribute 'decode' error

The function below first decodes the hexadecimal number into a string and then the map function applies the ord function to all the decoded values and give us a tuple but this decode function is giving this error 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' :

def hex2rgb(hexcode):
    return tuple(map(ord, hexcode[1:].decode( )))

我正在編寫的代碼與隱寫術有關,這里有一部分代碼顯示了如何生成 function 的輸入:

binary = str2bin(message) + '1111111111111110' #converts string into binary and adds the delimeter at end to indicate message is ended

newData = [] #list to store the new pixels which contain the information

img = Image.open(filename)

if img.mode in ('RGBA'):
    img = img.convert('RGBA') #will convert the image into RGBA
    datas = img.getdata()  #will give all the pixel data
    digit = 0 #shows on which binary bit we are currently at      
    for item in datas:
        if (digit < len(binary)):
            newpix = encode(rgb2hex(item[0],item[1],item[2]),binary[digit])
            if newpix == None:
                r, g, b = hex2rgb(newpix)
                digit += 1

我不明白為什么它不解碼。 我也試過.decode('hex').decode(hex)但它仍然給出錯誤。

你的方法不正確。 因為您正在嘗試解碼已經解碼的字符串。 這就是錯誤來的原因。


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