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使用 MT5 在 python 中獲得 retcode=10021

[英]got retcode=10021 in python with MT5

我正在嘗試創建一個交易機器人來下訂單而不是從 MetaTrader5 應用程序手動下訂單,我在下面制作了 function

注:BoS:買入或賣出 | sl: 止損 | tp: 獲利 | 批號:體積

def MetaTrader_Order(symbol, BoS, price, sl, tp, lot):

    # connect to MetaTrader 5
    if not mt5.initialize():
        print("initialize() failed")


    # prepare the buy request structure
    symbol_info = mt5.symbol_info(symbol)
    if symbol_info is None:
        print(symbol, " not found, can not call order_check()")

    # if the symbol is unavailable in MarketWatch, add it
    if not symbol_info.visible:
        print(symbol, " is not visible, trying to switch on")
        if not mt5.symbol_select(symbol,True):
            print("symbol_select({}) failed, exit",symbol)

    deviation = 20

    if BoS == "SELL":    
        request = {
        "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL,
        "symbol": symbol,
        "volume": lot,
        "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL,
        "price": price,
        "sl": sl,
        "tp": tp,
        "deviation": deviation,
        "magic": 234000,
        "comment": "python script open",
        "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC,
        "type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN,

    elif BoS == "BUY":
        request = {
        "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL,
        "symbol": symbol,
        "volume": lot,
        "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY,
        "price": price,
        "sl": sl,
        "tp": tp,
        "deviation": deviation,
        "magic": 234000,
        "comment": "python script open",
        "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC,
        "type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN,

        request = None

    # send a trading request
    result = mt5.order_send(request)

    # check the execution result
    print("1. order_send(): {} {} at price {}, with lot {}, with deviation {}".format(BoS, symbol, price, lot, deviation))

    if result.retcode != mt5.TRADE_RETCODE_DONE:
        print("2. order_send failed, retcode={}".format(result.retcode))

        # request the result as a dictionary and display it element by element
        for field in result_dict.keys():
            print("   {}={}".format(field,result_dict[field]))

            # if this is a trading request structure, display it element by element as well
            if field=="request":
                for tradereq_filed in traderequest_dict:
                    print("       traderequest: {}={}".format(tradereq_filed,traderequest_dict[tradereq_filed]))


        print("2. order_send done, ", result)

當我嘗試像這樣將 arguments 傳遞給 function 時:

MetaTrader_Order("GBPUSD", "SELL", 1.40001, 1.5, 1.3, 0.1)

它給了我一個 output 像這樣:

1. order_send(): SELL GBPUSD at price 1.40001, with lot 0.01, with deviation 20
2. order_send failed, retcode=10021
   comment=No prices
   request=TradeRequest(action=1, magic=234000, order=0, symbol='GBPUSD', volume=0.01, price=1.40001, stoplimit=0.0, sl=1.5, tp=1.3, deviation=20, type=1, type_filling=2, type_time=0, expiration=0, comment='python script open', position=0, position_by=0)
       traderequest: action=1
       traderequest: magic=234000
       traderequest: order=0
       traderequest: symbol=GBPUSD
       traderequest: volume=0.01
       traderequest: price=1.40001
       traderequest: stoplimit=0.0
       traderequest: sl=1.5
       traderequest: tp=1.3
       traderequest: deviation=20
       traderequest: type=1
       traderequest: type_filling=2
       traderequest: type_time=0
       traderequest: expiration=0
       traderequest: comment=python script open
       traderequest: position=0
       traderequest: position_by=0 

如果我嘗試像這樣自動設置價格: price = mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask它可以正常工作並將訂單發送到 MetaTrader5 沒有問題


MT5 文檔: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/integration/python_metatrader5 MT5
order_send: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/integration/python_metatrader5/mt5ordersend_py
MT5 返回代碼: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/errorswarnings/enum_trade_return_codes

另請參閱此頁面上的TRADE_ACTION_PENDING :https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/structures/mqltraderequest (它是另一種語言)


if BoS == "SELL": 
        if price < mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).bid:
            price = mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).bid

        request = {
        "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_PENDING,
        "symbol": symbol,
        "volume": lot,
        "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT,
        "price": price,
        "sl": sl,
        "tp": tp,
        "deviation": deviation,
        "magic": 234000,
        "comment": "python script open",
        "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC,
        "type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN,

    elif BoS == "BUY":
        if price > mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask:
            price = mt5.symbol_info_tick(symbol).ask

        request = {
        "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_PENDING,
        "symbol": symbol,
        "volume": lot,
        "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT,
        "price": price,
        "sl": sl,
        "tp": tp,
        "deviation": deviation,
        "magic": 234000,
        "comment": "python script open",    ## may delete some items
        "type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC,
        "type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN,

注意: "action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_PENDING,
並且: "type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT,


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