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如何使用 CommandLineUtils ExecuteAsync 定義在命令解析錯誤的情況下執行的行為?

[英]How to define behavior that is executed in case of a command-parsing error using CommandLineUtils ExecuteAsync?

在執行時,我的程序需要兩個 arguments 它需要運行

static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
   return CommandLineApplication.ExecuteAsync<MyUpdateService>(args);

[Argument(0, Description = "Filepath")]
private string Filepath { get; }

[Argument(1, Description = "UpdateMode")]

private int Mode { get; }

我正在使用這個 package:


我想顯示一個消息框,以防程序運行的 arguments 太少/太多,或者 arguments 與所需的類型不匹配(1:字符串,2:整數)。

因為這不能通過簡單地包裝一個 try/catch 塊來實現:可以做到嗎?



public static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
        //if program is run without command-line arguments
        if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        //if program is run with more or less than 2 arguments
        else if (args.Length != 2)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
        //if - for example - the second argument cannot be parsed to an int
        else if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out int result))
            throw new ArrayTypeMismatchException();
    catch (Exception ex)
        string errorMsg = "This app cannot be executed direclty.";

        if (ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException || ex is ArrayTypeMismatchException)
            errorMsg = "Exception error: This app needs a different set of arguments to execute.";
        new CustomMessageBox().Show(errorMsg);
        return Task.FromResult(1);

    return CommandLineApplication.ExecuteAsync<MyUpdateService>(args);

[Required, Argument(0, Description = "Filepath")]

private string IniFilepath { get; }

[Required, Argument(1, Description = "UpdateMode")]

private int Mode { get; }


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