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如何處理 IEqualityComparer 中的空值?

[英]How to handle nulls in IEqualityComparer?

以下方法來自 XUnit Assert class:

public static void Equal<T>(IEnumerable<T> expected, IEnumerable<T> actual, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer);


IEnumerable<Decimal?> x = getXValues();
IEnumerable<Decimal?> y = getYValues();

Assert.Equal(x, y, new DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer(0.01m));

我正在使用IEqualityComparer ,因為可以考慮 2.526 等於 2.524。

我收到一個錯誤,因為DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer僅適用於Decimal ...

xy可能具有null值。 DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer是:

  public class DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Decimal> {

    private readonly Decimal _tolerance;

    public DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer(Decimal tolerance) {
      _tolerance = tolerance;


    public Boolean Equals(Decimal x, Decimal y) {

      return Math.Abs(x - y) <= _tolerance;


    public Int32 GetHashCode(Decimal obj) {

      return obj.GetHashCode();




這段代碼對我有用。 真正的訣竅在於Equals方法的實現。 還要記住GetHashCode中的 null 檢查。

static void Main(string[] args)
    IEnumerable<Decimal?> x = new List<Decimal?> { 1.51m, 3, null };
    IEnumerable<Decimal?> y = new List<Decimal?> { 1.6m, 3, null };

    Assert.Equal(x, y, new DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer(0.1m));

public class DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Decimal?>
    private readonly Decimal _tolerance;

    public DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer(Decimal tolerance)

        _tolerance = tolerance;


    public Boolean Equals(Decimal? x, Decimal? y)
        if (!x.HasValue && !y.HasValue)
            // Both null -> they are equal
            return true;
        else if (!x.HasValue || !y.HasValue)
            // One is null, other is not null -> not equal
            return false;
            // both have values -> run the actual comparison
            return Math.Abs(x.Value - y.Value) <= _tolerance;

    public Int32 GetHashCode(Decimal? obj)
        if (obj.HasValue)
            return obj.GetHashCode();
            // Here decide what you need
            return string.Empty.GetHashCode();

想到的一個選項可能是為可為空的十進制類型IEqualityComparer<decimal?>實現新的相等比較器,它可以在內部使用您現有的DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer 就像是

public Boolean Equals(Decimal? x, Decimal? y) {
    return (x.HasValue && y.HasValue)?
    : x == y;



public class DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<decimal?>
    private readonly decimal _tolerance;

    public DecimalToleranceEqualityComparer(decimal tolerance)
        _tolerance = tolerance;

    public bool Equals(decimal? x, decimal? y)
        if (!x.HasValue && !y.HasValue) return true;
        if (!x.HasValue || !y.HasValue) return false;

        return Math.Abs(x.Value - y.Value) <= _tolerance;

    public int GetHashCode(decimal? obj)
        return obj.GetHashCode();


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