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將 AttributeData 轉換為已知的屬性類型 Roslyn

[英]Converting AttributeData into a known attribute type Roslyn


public class AliasAttribute : Attribute
    public string Alias;
    public AliasAttribute(string alias)
        Alias = alias;

我也有一個用這個屬性裝飾的方法,我在 Roslyn 中得到了一個IMethodSymbol

// E.g. code which Roslyn gets to analyze
[Alias("Hello")] public void World() {}

// Actual Roslyn code
var method = (IMethodSymbol) compilation.GetSymbolsWithName("World").Single();


var attributeData = method.GetAttributes().Single();


AliasAttribute alias = attributeData.MapToType<AliasAttribute>();

我目前這樣做的方式很復雜:它涉及使用反射來實例化屬性類型。 但是,我並沒有考慮到很多極端情況,比如以通用方式的params參數。 請參閱下面答案中的代碼。 但是,它太復雜了,我想知道是否有更簡單的方法可以做到這一點。


public static T MapToType<T>(this AttributeData attributeData) where T : Attribute
    T attribute;
    if (attributeData.AttributeConstructor != null && attributeData.ConstructorArguments.Length > 0)
        attribute = (T) Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), attributeData.GetActualConstuctorParams().ToArray());
        attribute = (T) Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
    foreach (var p in attributeData.NamedArguments)
        typeof(T).GetField(p.Key).SetValue(attribute, p.Value.Value);
    return attribute;

public static IEnumerable<object> GetActualConstuctorParams(this AttributeData attributeData)
    foreach (var arg in attributeData.ConstructorArguments)
        if (arg.Kind == TypedConstantKind.Array)
            // Assume they are strings, but the array that we get from this
            // should actually be of type of the objects within it, be it strings or ints
            // This is definitely possible with reflection, I just don't know how exactly. 
            yield return arg.Values.Select(a => a.Value).OfType<string>().ToArray();
            yield return arg.Value;



public static bool TryGetAttributeData(this ISymbol symbol, ISymbol attributeType, out AttributeData attributeData)
    foreach (var a in symbol.GetAttributes())
        if (SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(a.AttributeClass, attributeType))
            attributeData = a;
            return true;
    attributeData = default;
    return false;

public struct AttributeSymbolWrapper<T>
    public INamedTypeSymbol symbol;

    private static INamedTypeSymbol GetKnownSymbol(Compilation compilation, System.Type t)
        return (INamedTypeSymbol) compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(t.FullName);

    public void Init(Compilation compilation)
        symbol = GetKnownSymbol(compilation, typeof(T));

public static bool TryGetAttribute<T>(this ISymbol symbol, AttributeSymbolWrapper<T> attributeSymbolWrapper, out T attribute) where T : System.Attribute
    if (TryGetAttributeData(symbol, attributeSymbolWrapper.symbol, out var attributeData))
        attribute = attributeData.MapToType<T>();
        return true;
    attribute = default;
    return false;

public static bool HasAttribute(this ISymbol symbol, ISymbol attributeType)
    foreach (var a in symbol.GetAttributes())
        if (SymbolEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(a.AttributeClass, attributeType))
            return true;
    return false;


public static class RelevantSymbols
    public static AttributeSymbolWrapper<AliasAttribute> AliasAttribute;

    public static void Init(Compilation compilation)

最后,您可以這樣使用它,而無需在 type 參數中重復屬性類型:

var method = (IMethodSymbol) compilation.GetSymbolsWithName("World").Single();

if (method.TryGetAttribute(RelevantSymbols.AliasAttribute, out var attribute))
    // do something with the attibute data


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