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如何使用 Jest 對 typeorm getRepository 進行單元測試?

[英]How to unit test typeorm getRepository with Jest?

我將 typescript 與 typeorm 一起使用,並且我有一個這樣的存儲庫:

import { EntityRepository, getRepository, createQueryBuilder } from 'typeorm';

export default class Repo {
  async getSomething(): Promise<Result> {
    const schemaQuery = getRepository(SomeModel)


import * as typeorm from 'typeorm';
import Repo from '../../../../src/repositories/Repo';

  () => {
    let repo: Repo;
    beforeEach(() => {
      repo = new Repo();
    test('getSomething works', async () => {
      jest.spyOn(typeorm, 'getRepository').mockImplementation(() => ({ // typescript wants me to implement all properties of getRepository which i dont want
        createQueryBuilder: jest.fn(),

我如何直接從仍符合 typescript 類型檢查的 typeorm 模擬 getRepository?

我剛剛遇到了這個問題,實際上我使用您的代碼作為我的解決方案的基礎。 請試試這個:

    jest.spyOn(typeorm, "getRepository").mockImplementation(() => {
      const original = jest.requireActual("typeorm");
     // You need all functions used in your Query builder  
     return {
        createQueryBuilder: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
          subQuery: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          from: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          where: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          select: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          getQuery: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          setParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          getMany: jest
            .mockResolvedValue(expected) as unknown,

在更新 jest 庫后遇到了同樣的問題,通過 mocking getRepository 方法直接從 typeorm/globals 而不是 typeorm(index file) 解決了這個問題

import * as typeorm_functions from 'typeorm/globals';

jest.spyOn(typeorm_functions, 'getRepository').mockReturnValue({
 createQueryBuilder: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
      subQuery: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
      from: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
      where: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
      select: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
      getQuery: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
      setParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
      getMany: jest
        .mockResolvedValue(expected) as unknown,
} as unknown as Repository<unknown>);


TypeError: Cannot redefine property: getRepository
        at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>)


import * as typeorm from "typeorm/globals";


 TypeError: Cannot redefine property: getRepository
        at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>)

      64 |     } as unknown as Installation;
      65 |
    > 66 |     jest.spyOn(typeorm, 'getRepository').mockImplementation(() => {
         |          ^
      67 |       const original = jest.requireActual('typeorm');
      68 |       // You need all functions used in your Query builder
      69 |       return {


import * as typeorm from 'typeorm';
    jest.spyOn(typeorm, 'getRepository').mockImplementation(() => {
      const original = jest.requireActual('typeorm');
      // You need all functions used in your Query builder
      return {
        createQueryBuilder: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
          subQuery: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          from: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          where: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          select: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          getQuery: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          setParameter: jest.fn().mockReturnThis() as unknown,
          getMany: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(expected) as unknown,


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