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C function 檢查數組是否平衡(遞歸)

[英]C function to check if array is balanced (recursive)

我正在嘗試編寫一個 function 來檢查數組是否平衡。 我想出了以下內容:

//Defining my struct

struct tuples
    bool trueorfalse;
    int sum;

typedef struct tuples tuple; //Renaming it to "tuple"

//Defining my function

tuple balanced(int A[], int l, int r)
    if(l == r) // Base case 
        tuple s;
        s.trueorfalse = true;
        s.sum = A[l];

        return s;

    tuple left; //Creating tuple for the left side of the array
    tuple right; //Creating tuple for the right side of the array

    int m = (l+r)/2; //Computing the middle

    left = balanced(A, l, m); //recursive call for the left side
    right = balanced(A,m+1, r); //recursive call for the right side 

    if(left.trueorfalse && right.trueorfalse && left.sum >= (right.sum / 2.0f) && left.sum <= right.sum *2) //Check the conditions to be a balanced array on the subarrays
        tuple f; //If this is the case create a new tuple with true and the sum

        f.trueorfalse = true;
        f.sum = left.sum + right.sum;

        return f;
        tuple g; 
        g.trueorfalse = false;
        g.sum = left.sum + right.sum;

        return g;


但這似乎適用於一些示例,但並非適用於所有示例。 示例: A =[1,2,5,2,4,2] 是平衡樹,但我的 function 沒有返回值為 true 的結構。



  • 前半部分的元素之和不超過后半部分元素之和的兩倍且不少於一半,並且

  • 上半場和下半場是平衡的

順便說一句,您所說的奇數 arrays A =[1,2,5,2,4,2] 不平衡,因為 A[3]+A[4] > A[5]*2


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct 
    bool trueorfalse;
    int sum;

tuple balanced(int A[], int size);
bool Is_Balanced(int a, int b);

int main(void) 
 int A[]={1,2,5,2,4,2};
 tuple res =balanced(A,6);
 else printf("notbalanced");

tuple balanced(int A[], int size)
    if(size<4)//maximum recursion depth
        tuple s;
        if(size==3) s.trueorfalse = Is_Balanced((*(A)+*(A+1)),*(A+2));
        else s.trueorfalse = Is_Balanced(*(A),*(A+1));
        s.sum = 0;
        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)s.sum += *(A+i);
        return s;

    tuple left;
    tuple right;

    left = balanced(A, size/2);
    right = balanced(A+size/2, size/2);

    tuple f;
    if(left.trueorfalse && right.trueorfalse)
      f.trueorfalse = Is_Balanced(left.sum,right.sum);
    else f.trueorfalse = false;
    f.sum = left.sum + right.sum;
    return f;

bool Is_Balanced(int a, int b)
  return (a<=(2*b) && a>=(2/b)?true:false);


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