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如何使用 LINQ c# 中的枚舉進行分組並找到最大值

[英]How to group by using enums in LINQ c# and find max value

public enum Department{ Accounts, Technology, Architecture, MBA };
public class Student
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int ExamScores;
    public Department dep;

我有學生名單。 我應該如何使用 LINQ 顯示從每個部門獲得最高分的學生。 我已經嘗試過但無法成功。請建議。

正如所評論的,始終包含您嘗試過的內容是一個好主意。 兩者都是因為它表明您已經做出了努力,並且有人可能會幫助指出您出錯的地方,您將從中學到更多。


  1. 按部門dep
  2. 然后通過ExamScores


// "one"-liner:
var results = students.GroupBy(s => s.dep)
    .Select(depGroup => depGroup.GroupBy(s => s.ExamScores)
        .OrderByDescending(scoreGroup => scoreGroup.Key) // Key is the ExamScores
        .First()); // First = Get the first group, which has the highest score


// Example output:
// ID  dep           ExamScores
// 3   Accounts      9
// 7   Accounts      9
// 4   Technology    8
// 6   Architecture  6


var departmentStudents = students.GroupBy(s => s.dep);

foreach (var department in departmentStudents)
    var highScore = department.Max(ds => ds.ExamScores);

    var bestStudents = department
        .Where(student => student.ExamScores == highScore)
        .Select(student => $"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName}");

    Console.WriteLine($"Sudents with best score in the {department.Key} Dept.:");
    Console.WriteLine($" - {string.Join("\r\n - ", bestStudents)}");


List<Student> students = new List<Student> {
                new Student("x", "y", 1, 10, Department.Accounts),
                new Student("p", "q", 2,20, Department.Accounts),
                new Student("p2", "q2", 2, 20, Department.Accounts),
                new Student("a", "b", 3, 30, Department.Technology),
                new Student("m", "n", 4, 40, Department.Technology),
                new Student("m2", "n2", 4, 40, Department.Technology),


var groupsByDept = students.GroupBy(a => (a.dep.ToString()));
List<Student> studentsByHighestMarksAndDeptList = groupsByDept.SelectMany(a => a.Where(b => b.ExamScores == a.Max(c => c.ExamScores))).ToList();

這將給出以下結果: 在此處輸入圖像描述


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