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C# 如何破例只允許數字?

[英]C# How can I make an exception to allow only numbers?


Console.WriteLine("Do you want to: 1. play against an Ai or 2. let two Ai´s play aigainst each other?");
Console.WriteLine("Please choose one option!");
int userInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());


if (userInput == 1)
    // Player
    Player player = new Player();

我試圖制作一個 try catch 塊,但后來我的if語句中的userInput總是出現問題。 我想要一個try.. catch塊來確保,如果用戶輸入 char 或其他內容( +~# 、...),他們會收到錯誤消息並可以輸入新內容。

我建議使用 loop 和if而不是捕獲異常(異常是為異常情況而設計的,但事實並非如此——我們應該只驗證用戶輸入):

   int userInput = -1;

   // Keep on asking user until valid input is provided
   while (true) {
     Console.WriteLine("Do you want to:"); 
     Console.WriteLine("  1. play against an Ai or ");
     Console.WriteLine("  2. let two Ai´s play aigainst each other?");

     Console.WriteLine("Please choose one option!");

     // Trim() - let's be nice and tolerate leading and trailing spaces
     string input = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

     if (input == "1" || input == "2") {
       userInput = int.Parse(input);

     Console.WriteLine("Sorry, invalid option. Please, try again.");


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