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[英]Unique correspondence for characters in C#

我需要確定第一個字符串中的每個字符是否可以唯一地替換為第二個字符串中的一個字符。 兩個字符串的長度相等。
例如, "aabc ea" 和 "ddtf hd" ,結果需要是:
 True a => d b => t c => f => e => h

如果我有例如 "abac ea" 和 "ddtf hd" ,結果需要是:


由於“abac ea”和“ddt hd”沒有唯一的替代品。


 using System; namespace UniqueStrings { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string firstPhrase = Console.ReadLine(); string secondPhrase = Console.ReadLine(); bool result = false; int charsCount = 0; char[] firstPhraseChars = new char[firstPhrase.Length]; char[] secondPhraseChars = new char[secondPhrase.Length]; if (firstPhrase.Length != secondPhrase.Length) { result = false; } for (int i = 0; i < firstPhrase.Length; i++) { if (firstPhrase[i] == firstPhraseChars[i]) { firstPhraseChars[i] = firstPhrase[i]; secondPhraseChars[i] = secondPhrase[i]; } for (int j = 0; j < secondPhrase.Length; j++) { if (secondPhrase[j] == secondPhraseChars[j]) { firstPhraseChars[j] = firstPhrase[j]; secondPhraseChars[j] = secondPhrase[j]; result = false; } else { result = true; } } } for (int i = 0; i < firstPhrase.Length; i++) { if (result == false) { firstPhraseChars[charsCount] = firstPhrase[i]; secondPhraseChars[charsCount] = secondPhrase[i]; charsCount++; } } if (result == false) Console.WriteLine(result); else { Console.WriteLine(result); for (int i = 0; i < firstPhrase.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(firstPhrase[i] + " => " + secondPhrase[i]); } } Console.Read(); } } }

有人可以幫我理解我做錯了什么嗎? 我不知道了,我覺得這段代碼永遠行不通。 需要有一些解決方案,我不理解。

我不應該使用 LINQ、列表或字典,只能使用 System.


using System;

namespace UniqueStrings
    class Program
        static bool CheckStringSimilarity(string firstPhrase, string secondPhrase)
            if (firstPhrase.Length != secondPhrase.Length)
                return false;

            var length = firstPhrase.Length;
            for (var i =0; i<length; i++)
                for(var j=0; j<length; j++ )
                    if((firstPhrase[i] == firstPhrase[j]) && (secondPhrase[i] != secondPhrase[j]))
                       return false;                       
                    if((firstPhrase[i] != firstPhrase[j]) && (secondPhrase[i] == secondPhrase[j]))
                       return false;                       

            return true;
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine($"CheckStringSimilarity('aaa','bbb') = {CheckStringSimilarity("aaa", "bbb")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"CheckStringSimilarity('aaab','bbbc') = {CheckStringSimilarity("aaab", "bbbc")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"CheckStringSimilarity('rrt','aze') = {CheckStringSimilarity("rrt", "aze")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"CheckStringSimilarity('rrt dd','aad aa') = {CheckStringSimilarity("rrt dd", "aad aa")}");



private static bool HasCorrespondence(string left, string right) {
  if (left == null)
    return right == null;
  if (right == null)
    return false;

  if (left.Length != right.Length)
    return false;

  // known correspondence
  Dictionary<char, char> correspondence = new Dictionary<char, char>();

  for (int i = 0; i < left.Length; ++i)
    if (correspondence.TryGetValue(left[i], out char expected)) {
      // counter example: we want expected, but have right[i]
      if (expected != right[i])
        return false;
      // we have nothing for left[i], so we can add (left[i], right[i]) pair   
      correspondence.Add(left[i], right[i]);

  // no counter example exists, return true
  return true;


private static bool HasCorrespondence(string left, string right) {
  if (left == null)
    return right == null;
  if (right == null)
    return false;

  if (left.Length != right.Length)
    return false;

  int[] correspondence = new int[char.MaxValue];

  for (int i = 0; i < left.Length; ++i)
    if (correspondence[left[i]] != 0) {
      if (correspondence[left[i]] != right[i])
        return false;
      correspondence[left[i]] = right[i];

  return true;


private static bool HasOneToOne(string left, string right) =>
  HasCorrespondence(left, right) &&
  HasCorrespondence(right, left);

在您的第一個 for 循環中,結果將始終為 true,因為兩個 if 語句都將始終返回 false。 當 if 語句比較它們​​的值時,“firstPhraseChars[i]”和“secondPhraseChars[j]”始終為空,因為在比較之前您從未將任何內容放入這些數組中。



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