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比較兩個數組中的項以查看它們的總和是否為 10

[英]Compare items from two arrays to see if they sum to 10

我想比較兩個“骰子”數組,看看有多少種方法可以使用兩個骰子創建 10 的總和,然后將“10 對”的數量添加到另一個變量中。

到目前為止,這是我所擁有的,我不確定如何啟動 forEach 循環(或者這是否是我想要使用的):

                //Store 10-pairs in a new variable
                int tenPairs = 0;

                // Need variables to define the dice - arrays starting at 1?
                int[] die1 = Enumerable.Range(1, num1).ToArray(); 

                int[] die2 = Enumerable.Range(1, num2).ToArray();

                //Compare each item from die1 to each value from die2 to see if they
                //add up to 10.

                //return a string with the message: "There are X total ways to get the sum 10."
                string resultMsg = "There are " + tenPairs +" total ways to make 10.";
                return resultMsg ;


您應該使用兩個循環,一個嵌套在另一個循環中。 然后在嵌套循環中應該有 if 語句來檢查數字總和是否為 10。

我不會給你代碼 - 試着自己弄清楚,如果你成功了,請告訴我:)


private static string NumberOfTens(int number1, int number2)
      //Store 10-pairs in a new variable
      int tenPairs = 0;

      // Need variables to define the dice - arrays starting at 1?
      int[] die1 = Enumerable.Range(1, number1).ToArray();

      int[] die2 = Enumerable.Range(1, number2).ToArray();

      //Compare each item from die1 to each value from die2 to see if they add up to 10.

      for (int i = 0; i < die1.Length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < die2.Length; j++)
          if (die1[i] + die2[j] == 10)

      //return a string with the message: "There are X total ways to get the sum 10."
      string resultMsg = "There are " + tenPairs + " total ways to make 10.";

      return resultMsg;


Console.WriteLine(NumberOfTens(5, 15));


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