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如何正確重定向到 ASP.NET Core Razor Pages 中的同一頁面?

[英]How to properly redirect to the same page in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages?


[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
public int ProductId { get; set; }

public Product Product { get; set; }

public void OnGet()
    Product = ProductService.Get(ProductId)

public IActionResult OnPost()
   if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
       retrun Redirect("/login");
   // Add product to user favorite list
   // Then how to redirect properly to the same page?
   // return Redirect("/product") is not working
   // Calling OnGet() does not work

這是相應的簡化 Razor 頁面:

@page "/product/{id}"
@model Product


我堅持正確重定向用戶。 如果我不返回IActionResult那么我的Redirect("/login")不起作用,我得到@Model.Title空引用異常。


在 Razor 中,您將使用 RedirectToPage()

假設類名為 IndexModel

public class IndexModel: PageModel
    public IActionResult OnPost()
       if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
           return Redirect("/login");
       // Add product to user favorite list
       // Then how to redirect properly to the same page?
       // return Redirect("/product") is not working
       // Calling OnGet() does not work

       return RedirectToPage("Index");

注意:你拼錯了return 難道說retrun在你的代碼

更新你想跟着PRG模式:在P OST之后你[R edirect到G

要將參數傳遞回 OnGet 操作,請執行以下操作:

public void OnGet(int productId)
    Product = ProductService.Get(productId)


@page "/product/{productId}"

並在 OnPost

return RedirectToPage("Index", new { productId = ProductId});


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