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Pyspark 將字符串列表轉換為 ArrayType()

[英]Pyspark turning list of string into an ArrayType()

我是 pyspark 的新手,我可以使用一些指導。 所以我正在處理一些文本數據,最終我想擺脫在整個語料庫中出現頻率不夠或出現頻率過高的單詞。


|             cleaned|
|China halfway com...|
|MCI overhaul netw...|
|script kiddy join...|
|look Microsoft Mo...|
|Americans appear ...|
|Oil Eases Venezue...|
|Americans lose be...|
|explosion Echo Na...|
|Bush tackle refor...|
|jail olympic pool...|
|coyote sign RW Jo...|
|home pc key Windo...|
|bomb defuse Blair...|
|Livermore   need ...|
|hat ring fast Wi ...|
|Americans dutch s...|
|Insect Vibrations...|
|Britain sleepwalk...|
|Ron Regan Jr Kind...|
|IBM buy danish fi...|



from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import *

def remove_stop_words(list_of_tokens, list_of_stopwords):
    A very simple fuction that takes in a list of word tokens and then gets rid of words that are in stopwords list
    return [token for token in list_of_tokens if token not in list_of_stopwords]

def udf_remove_stop_words(list_of_stopwords):
    creates a udf that takes in a list of stop words and passes them onto remove_stop_words
    return udf(lambda x: remove_stop_words(x, list_of_stopwords))
wordsNoStopDF = splitworddf.withColumn('removed', udf_remove_stop_words(list_of_words_to_get_rid)(col('split')))


|               split|
|[China, halfway, ...|
|[MCI, overhaul, n...|
|[script, kiddy, j...|
|[look, Microsoft,...|
|[Americans, appea...|
|[Oil, Eases, Vene...|
|[Americans, lose,...|
|[explosion, Echo,...|
|[Bush, tackle, re...|
|[jail, olympic, p...|
only showing top 10 rows


|               split|             removed|
|[China, halfway, ...|[China, halfway, ...|
|[MCI, overhaul, n...|[MCI, overhaul, n...|
|[script, kiddy, j...|[script, join, fo...|
|[look, Microsoft,...|[look, Microsoft,...|
|[Americans, appea...|[Americans, appea...|
|[Oil, Eases, Vene...|[Oil, Eases, Vene...|
|[Americans, lose,...|[Americans, lose,...|
|[explosion, Echo,...|[explosion, Echo,...|
|[Bush, tackle, re...|[Bush, tackle, re...|
|[jail, olympic, p...|[jail, olympic, p...|
|[coyote, sign, RW...|[coyote, sign, Jo...|
|[home, pc, key, W...|[home, pc, key, W...|
|[bomb, defuse, Bl...|[bomb, defuse, Bl...|
|[Livermore, , , n...|[Livermore, , , n...|
|[hat, ring, fast,...|[hat, ring, fast,...|
|[Americans, dutch...|[Americans, dutch...|
|[Insect, Vibratio...|[tell, Good, Time...|
|[Britain, sleepwa...|[Britain, big, br...|
|[Ron, Regan, Jr, ...|[Ron, Jr, Guy, , ...|
|[IBM, buy, danish...|[IBM, buy, danish...|

 |-- split: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
 |-- removed: string (nullable = true)

所以我的問題是如何將removed的列變成像split這樣的數組? 我希望使用explode來計算單詞出現次數,但我似乎無法弄清楚該怎么做。 我嘗試使用regex_replace去掉括號,然后用,作為要拆分的模式拆分字符串,但這似乎只向列remove添加了一個括號remove



您還沒有為您的 UDF 定義返回類型, 默認情況下為StringType ,這就是您removed列是字符串的原因。 您可以像這樣添加使用返回類型

from pyspark.sql import types as T

udf(lambda x: remove_stop_words(x, list_of_stopwords), T.ArrayType(T.StringType()))

您可以更改 UDF 的返回類型。 但是,我建議不要使用任何splited從類型數組splited的列中刪除單詞list_of_words_to_get_rid列表,因為您可以簡單地使用 spark 內置函數array_except


import pyspark.sql.functions as F

df = spark.createDataFrame([("a simple sentence containing some words",)], ["cleaned"])

list_of_words_to_get_rid = ["some", "a"]

wordsNoStopDF = df.withColumn(
    F.split("cleaned", " ")
        F.array(*[F.lit(w) for w in list_of_words_to_get_rid])

#|split                                         |removed                              |
#|[a, simple, sentence, containing, some, words]|[simple, sentence, containing, words]|


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