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如何使用 Xamarin Android 在編輯文本上實現 TextWatcher 接口?

[英]How to implement TextWatcher interface on Edit Text with Xamarin Android?

我正在嘗試實現一個接口,當用戶在其上鍵入單個字符時,它將在我的EditText上偵聽,這樣當發生這種情況時,我將收到一條 Toast 消息,提示You tried to type a new character ,並且當用戶清除時,此接口將檢查EditText中字符的長度,並顯示一條 Toast 消息,如果count為 0,則清除所有文本。這就是Android.Text.IWatcher接口的用武之地。我已經在我的主要 class 中實現了它,就像這樣......

public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity,ITextWatcher
      //after I implemented the interface then these methods were generated by the compiler
       public void OnTextChanged(Java.Lang.ICharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
           //check the length of characters typed and show a Toast
            if (s.Length() > 0)
                Toast.MakeText(this, "You are typing more text", ToastLength.Long).Show();
     //if user clears all text also show a Toast
            if (s.Length() == 0)
                Toast.MakeText(this, "You have cleared all the text", ToastLength.Long).Show();

我將接口分配給我的EditText ,如下所示。

               EditText user_message = chat_view.FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.message_box);
                //assign a text watcher to the EditText

問題是當我將這個應用程序調試到我的 android 設備時,當我輸入我的 EditText 時,我沒有得到 Toasts,請幫我解決這個問題,謝謝。

為什么不直接使用在EditText上公開的 C# 事件呢?

user_message.TextChanged += OnTextChanged;


private void OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Text.Count() > 0)
        // do stuff

創建一個 TextWatcher class,然后將此偵聽器添加到 EditText。

 public class TextWatcher : Java.Lang.Object, ITextWatcher
    public void AfterTextChanged(IEditable s)


    public void BeforeTextChanged(ICharSequence s, int start, int count, int after)


    public void OnTextChanged(ICharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
        Console.WriteLine("---------------------------" + s);


        var editText = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.editText1);
        editText.AddTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher());


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