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如何從 Visual Studio 2022 社區版的單元測試中獲取代碼覆蓋率?

[英]How to get Code Coverage from Unit Tests in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition?

我已經下載了最新的 VS2022 v17.1 社區版,它沒有內置代碼覆蓋。 我習慣了企業版,我能找到的只是社區版的付費選項。

是否可以免費在 VS2022 社區版中進行代碼覆蓋?


看來我走運了! XUnit 測試項目帶有一個 NuGet 插件Coverlet.collector


這不需要安裝在任何項目中,您需要做的就是運行我在 Powershell 腳本中制作的這些步驟:

# PURPOSE: Automates the running of Unit Tests and Code Coverage

# If running outside the test folder
#cd E:\Dev\XYZ\src\XYZTestProject

# This only needs to be installed once (globally), if installed it fails silently: 
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool

# Save currect directory into a variable
$dir = pwd

# Delete previous test run results (there's a bunch of subfolders named with guids)
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $dir/TestResults/

# Run the Coverlet.Collector (this is an NuGet included with XUnit Test Projects)
$output = [string] (& dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" 2>&1)
Write-Host "Last Exit Code: $lastexitcode"
Write-Host $output

# Extract the GUID from the Output eg, 
#"Attachments:   E:\Dev\XYZ\src\XYZTestProject\TestResults\0f26f16d-bbe8-463b-856b-6d4fbee673bd\coverage.cobertura.xml Passed!"  

$i = $output.LastIndexOf("TestResults") + 11
$j = $output.LastIndexOf("coverage")
$cmdGuid = $output.SubString($i,$j - $i - 1)
Write-Host $cmdGuid 

# Delete previous test run reports - note if you're getting wrong results do a Solution Clean and Rebuild to remove stale DLLs in the bin folder
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $dir/coveragereport/

# Generate the Code Coverage HTML Report
reportgenerator -reports:"$dir/TestResults/$cmdGuid/coverage.cobertura.xml" -targetdir:"coveragereport" -reporttypes:Html

# Open the Code Coverage HTML Report
(& "$dir/coveragereport/index.html")





您擁有使用 VS 2022 的 Fine Code Coverage,您可以在此處訪問它https://github.com/FortuneN/FineCodeCoverage/releases並單擊 2022 文件。


我在使用 Visual Studio 擴展時遇到了一些問題,所以我最終使用了我最好的朋友命令行。

您可以使用Microsoft 的dotnet-coveragedanielpalme dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool

我相信這應該適用於任何.Net核心運行時和VS版本,也適用於CI服務器(我已經測試過.Net 5)

  • 安裝(以管理員身份運行)
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-coverage
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
  • 使用 XML output 格式運行測試:
dotnet-coverage collect -f xml -o coverage.xml dotnet test <solution/project>
  • 生成 html 報告
reportgenerator -reports:coverage.xml -targetdir:.\report -assemblyfilters:+MyTestedAssembly.dll
  • 打開report\index.html


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