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如何將 JavaScript BigInt 值轉換為科學記數法?

[英]How can I convert a JavaScript BigInt value to Scientific Notation?

我想以科學計數法將 JavaScript bigint值呈現為string


 const scientificNotation = n => parseInt(n).toExponential() console.log(scientificNotation(prompt()))


Intl確實支持 Bigint:


const fmt /*: BigIntToLocaleStringOptions */ = {
  notation: 'scientific',
  maximumFractionDigits: 20 // The default is 3, but 20 is the maximum supported by JS according to MDN.

const b1 = 1234567890123456789n;

console.log( b1.toLocaleString( 'en-US', fmt ) ); // "1.234567890123456789E18" 


(此代碼對於不支持Intl或需要超過 20 位精度的 JS 環境仍然有用):

因為bigint值始終是整數,並且因為bigint.toString()將返回 base-10 數字而無需進一步的儀式(除了前導-用於負值),那么一個快速而骯臟的方法是獲取那些呈現的數字並插入第一個數字之后的小數點(又名小數點)並在末尾附加指數,並且因為它是一個以 10 為底的字符串,所以指數與渲染字符串的長度相同(整潔,是嗎?)

function bigIntToExponential( value: bigint ): string {
    if( typeof value !== 'bigint' ) throw new Error( "Argument must be a bigint, but a " + ( typeof value ) + " was supplied." );


    const isNegative = value < 0;
    if( isNegative ) value = -value; // Using the absolute value for the digits.

    const str = value.toString();
    const exp = str.length - 1;
    if( exp == 0 ) return str + "e+0";

    const mantissaDigits = str.replace( /(0+)$/, '' ); // Remove any mathematically insignificant zeroes.

    let manitssa = mantissaDigits.charAt( 0 ) + "." + mantissaDigits.substring( 1 ); // Use the single first digit for the integral part of the mantissa, and all following digits for the fractional part.

    return ( isNegative ? "-" : '' ) + manitssa + "e+" + exp.toString();

console.log( bigIntToExponential( 1n ) );    // "1e+0"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( 10n ) );   // "1e+1"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( 100n ) );  // "1e+2"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( 1000n ) ); // "1e+3"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( 10000000003000000n) ); // "1.0000000003e+16" 
console.log( bigIntToExponential( 1234567890123456789n ) ); // "1.234567890123456789e+18" 

console.log( bigIntToExponential( -1n ) );    // "-1e+0"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( -10n ) );   // "-1e+1"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( -100n ) );  // "-1e+2"
console.log( bigIntToExponential( -1000n ) ); // "-1e+3"


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