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在 Twilio 函數中解析 API 調用的響應

[英]Parse a response of an API call in Twilio functions

我似乎無法解析我在 Twilio function 中進行的 API 調用的響應。 我知道調用是成功的,因為我在成功 function 中得到響應,但是當我嘗試過濾掉不同的結果時,它總是默認為else語句。


exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {

const name = event.name;
const rawCc = event.cc;
const cc = rawCc.replace(/[- /\,.]/g, "");

const rawExp = event.exp;
const exp = rawExp.replace(/[- /\,.]/g, "");

const cvc_code = event.cvc;

const rawAmount = event.amount;
const pos = rawAmount.indexOf('$');
const subst = rawAmount.substring(pos+1);
const pos2 = subst.indexOf(' ');
const cleanAmount = subst.substring(0,pos2);
const chargeAmount = cleanAmount + "00";

var chargeType;
    chargeType = 'donation';
    chargeType = 'raffle purchase';

const chargeDescription = event.description;

const num = event.number;
const donorNumber = num.slice(-10,num.length-7)+"-"+num.slice(-7,num.length-4)+"-"+num.slice(-4,num.length);

//import http request library
const axios = require('axios');

//post Authorization
const un = 'testing'; //process.env.CARDPOINTE_UN;
const pw = 'testing123'; //process.env.CARDPOINTE_PW;
const merchid = '496160873888'; //process.env.CARDPOINTE_BYHS_MERCHID;
const authKey = Buffer.from(un + ":" + pw).toString("base64");
const authorization = "Basic " + authKey;

// post url  
const url = "https://fts-uat.cardconnect.com/cardconnect/rest/auth";
// post parameters  

const payload = JSON.stringify({
  "merchid" : merchid,
  "account": cc,
  "expiry": exp,
  "cvv2": cvc_code,
  "amount": chargeAmount,
  "phone": donorNumber,
  "name": name,
  "capture": "y",
  "ecomind": "t"

//make post request with axios
  axios.post(url, payload,  {
  headers: {
    'Authorization' : authorization,
    'Content-Type' : 'application/json'

  //handle success  
  .then(function (response) {
     const resultCode = response.respstat;
    var res;
     if(resultCode.toLowerCase() == 'a'){
        res = 'Your ' + chargeType + ' of $' + cleanAmount + ' was successfully processed.';
     }else if(resultCode.toLowerCase() == 'c'){
       const errMsg = data.resptext;
         res = 'Sorry your ' + chargeType + ' could not be processed, due to the following issue: ' + errMsg;
         res = 'Sorry there was an issue processing your ' + chargeType + '.';
    callback(null, res);
//handle error  
  .catch(function (error) {
    const errRes = 'Sorry. There was an error while proccessing your '+chargeType+'.';
    error.reply = errRes;
    callback(null, errRes);
//end function

好的,經過多次谷歌搜索,我想通了。 在 axios post請求中,您需要解析data object。 所以response.data.respstat給了我我想要的東西。


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