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[英]How to make the main thread wait for one of the functions of the child thread to end

我使用qthread。 因為實在不知道怎么給出一個可運行的例子,只能簡單描述一下。 主線程運行時會產生一個子線程。 這個子線程會依次調用A()、B()、C(),B()中會返回一個值。 主線程需要這個值來繼續下面的計算。 但是,等待整個子線程結束會浪費很多時間。 我對線程不熟悉。 我希望我能得到答案。



class mainWindow : public QWidget {
    QLabel *mMyLabel;
    void sHandleProcessedData(const QString &data);
private Q_SLOTS:
    inline void handleProcessedData(const QString &data) {
        /// This should be your Main Thread.
        qDebug() << "We are in thread : " << QThread::currentThread() << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
    mainWindow() {
        /// Take a note of your thread 
        qDebug() << "We are in thread : " << QThread::currentThread() << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
         * Simple example gui to show processed data
        auto lay = new QGridLayout(this);
        mMyLabel = new QLabel("I Will be replaced by worker thread data!");
        auto btn = new QPushButton("Do Processing");
        connect(btn, &QPushButton::released, this, &mainWindow::spawnProcess);
         * Lazy thread message hockup using signals 
        connect(this, &mainWindow::sHandleProcessedData, this, &mainWindow::handleProcessedData, Qt::QueuedConnection); // We want to FORCE queued connection as to not execute this function in worker thread context. We have to be in MAIN thread.

    inline void spawnProcess() {
         * I'll Use QtConcurrent coz I'm lazy. With Lambda using this as capture. 
        QtConcurrent::run(this, [this]() {
            /// Lots and lots of processing in another thread.
            /// Once processing is done, we will send the result via signal to main app.
            qDebug() << "We are in thread : " << QThread::currentThread() << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
            Q_EMIT sHandleProcessedData("Some Magical data"); // This will change the Label text to this.

您可能想使用 Qt 的 Signals & Slots 機制:

在子線程 object 中定義一個信號。 使用Qt::QueuedConnection將此信號連接到主線程 object 中的插槽。 在 B() 結束時,以 B() 的返回值作為信號參數發出信號。 當子線程 object 發出的信號被主線程事件循環處理時,將調用主線程 object 中的槽。


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