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[英]How to make the main thread wait for one of the functions of the child thread to end

I use qthread.我使用qthread。 Because I really don't know how to give a runnable example, I can only briefly describe it.因为实在不知道怎么给出一个可运行的例子,只能简单描述一下。 A child thread will be generated when the main thread is running.主线程运行时会产生一个子线程。 This child thread will call A (), B (), C () in succession A value will be returned in B ().这个子线程会依次调用A()、B()、C(),B()中会返回一个值。 The main thread needs this value to continue the following calculation.主线程需要这个值来继续下面的计算。 However, it will waste a lot of time to wait for the end of the whole sub thread.但是,等待整个子线程结束会浪费很多时间。 I'm not familiar with threads.我对线程不熟悉。 I hope I can get an answer.我希望我能得到答案。

Mmm there is a bunch of ways of doing it... I'll show you one... probably bad one, but it is one way of doing it...嗯,有很多方法……我给你看一个……可能很糟糕,但这是一种方法……

Read comments & ask questions when lost.阅读评论并在迷路时提出问题。

class mainWindow : public QWidget {
    QLabel *mMyLabel;
    void sHandleProcessedData(const QString &data);
private Q_SLOTS:
    inline void handleProcessedData(const QString &data) {
        /// This should be your Main Thread.
        qDebug() << "We are in thread : " << QThread::currentThread() << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
    mainWindow() {
        /// Take a note of your thread 
        qDebug() << "We are in thread : " << QThread::currentThread() << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
         * Simple example gui to show processed data
        auto lay = new QGridLayout(this);
        mMyLabel = new QLabel("I Will be replaced by worker thread data!");
        auto btn = new QPushButton("Do Processing");
        connect(btn, &QPushButton::released, this, &mainWindow::spawnProcess);
         * Lazy thread message hockup using signals 
        connect(this, &mainWindow::sHandleProcessedData, this, &mainWindow::handleProcessedData, Qt::QueuedConnection); // We want to FORCE queued connection as to not execute this function in worker thread context. We have to be in MAIN thread.

    inline void spawnProcess() {
         * I'll Use QtConcurrent coz I'm lazy. With Lambda using this as capture. 
        QtConcurrent::run(this, [this]() {
            /// Lots and lots of processing in another thread.
            /// Once processing is done, we will send the result via signal to main app.
            qDebug() << "We are in thread : " << QThread::currentThread() << QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
            Q_EMIT sHandleProcessedData("Some Magical data"); // This will change the Label text to this.

You might want to use Qt's Signals & Slots mechanism:您可能想使用 Qt 的 Signals & Slots 机制:

Define a signal in your child thread object.在子线程 object 中定义一个信号。 Connect this signal to a slot in your main thread object with Qt::QueuedConnection .使用Qt::QueuedConnection将此信号连接到主线程 object 中的插槽。 At the end of B(), emit the signal with the return value of B() as the signal argument.在 B() 结束时,以 B() 的返回值作为信号参数发出信号。 Slot in the main thread object shall be invoked when the signal emitted by the child thread object is processed by the main thread event loop.当子线程 object 发出的信号被主线程事件循环处理时,将调用主线程 object 中的槽。

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