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打印帶有標點符號的反向句子 c#

[英]printing a reverse sentence with punctuation c#


我的名字是約翰。 我23歲。


.old years 23 am i.john 是我的名字

我無法弄清楚如何在最后切換點。 我嘗試使用Split ,但它總是返回單詞末尾的點。

 string[] words = sentence.Split(' ');
 return string.Join(" ", words);


var sentence ="my name is john. i am 23 years old.";  //Input string
string[] words = sentence.Split(' ');                //Split sentence into words
Array.Reverse(words);                                //Revere the array of words

//If word starts with . then start your word with period and trim end.
var result = words.Select(x => x.EndsWith('.') ? $".{x.Trim('.')}" : x);  
                            //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This was missing
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", result));



  using System.Linq;
  using System.Text.RegularExpressions;


  string source = "my name is john. i am 23 years old.";

  // .old years 23 am i .john is name my
  string result = string.Join(" ", Regex
    .Matches(source, @"\S+")
    .Select(m => Regex.Replace(m.Value, @"^(.*?)(\p{P}+)$", "$2$1"))

這里我們使用兩種模式:一種簡單的"\S+" ,它匹配任何不是空格的字符。 下一個模式^(.*?)(\p{P}+)$值得解釋:



^        - anchor, start of the string 
(.*?)    - group #1: any symbols, but as few as possible
(\p{P}+) - group #2: one or more punctuation symbols
$        - anchor, end of the string

當匹配時,我們交換這些組: "&2&1"


private static string Solve(string source) => string.Join(" ", Regex
  .Matches(source, @"\S+")
  .Select(m => Regex.Replace(m.Value, @"^(.*?)(\p{P}+)$", "$2$1"))


string[] tests = new string[] {
  "my name is john. i am 23 years old.",
  "It's me, here am I!",

string report = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tests
  .Select(test => $"{test,-35} => {Solve(test)}"));



my name is john. i am 23 years old. => .old years 23 am i .john is name my
It's me, here am I!                 => !I am here ,me It's
Test...                             => ...Test

您正在反轉由空格分隔的單詞(在old.點是單詞的一部分)。 如果您也想反轉這些點,您想將它們視為單詞(由空格分隔):

public static class TextExtensions
    public static string PointTrick(this string str) => str.Replace(".", " .");

    public static string PointUntrick(this string str) => str.Replace(". ", ".");

    public static string ReverseWords(this string str) => string.Join(" ", str.Split(" ").Reverse());


public class SOTests
    private string GetReversedWithPointTrick(string input) => input.PointTrick().ReverseWords().PointUntrick();

    public void ReverseWordsTest()
        var sut = "three two. one";
        var expected = "one two. three";

        var result = sut.ReverseWords();

        Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);

    public void ReverseWords_PointTrick_Test()
        var sut = "my name is john. i am 23 years old.";
        var expected = ".old years 23 am i .john is name my";

        var result = GetReversedWithPointTrick(sut);

        Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);


sentence.Split().Reverse.Select(w => w[^1] == '.' ? ('.' + w[..^1]) : w);

沒有任何參數的拆分在空格上拆分,Reverse 是一個 LINQ 事物,它反轉輸入,然后我們只有一些邏輯詢問最后一個(^1 是否來自 c# 9 的索引和范圍功能,意思是“來自end") char 是一個點,將它移到開頭(連接一個點加上從末尾到 1 的所有字符串)否則只是 output 這個詞..

剩下的就是把它串起來,你知道怎么做: string.Join(" ", ...)


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