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如何將用戶輸入連接到 While 循環

[英]How to Connect User input to While Loop

我正在制作一個代碼,用戶應該選擇一種肉來吃,然后它隨機分配其他食物給 go 以完成一頓飯。 循環應該向您顯示您擁有的物品,並且在循環結束時應該打印出總卡路里值。 我編寫了整個程序,但是當我提示用戶吃肉時,它會停止並且不會 go 進入 while 循環。 這是程序:

import random

usermeal = []
meatcalories = 0
fruitcalories = 0
vegcalories = 0
desertcalories = 0

#defining a list of different foods...
meats = {"NY Strip": 300, "Shrimp": 100, "Lobster": 200, "Clams": 300, "Scallops": 200}
vegetables = {"Asparagus": 50, "Potato": 80, "Brocoli": 50, "Kale": 30, "Beans": 40}
fruits = {"Apple": 40, "Orange": 30, "Bananna":45, "Kiwi": 40, "Mango": 40}
deserts = {"Ice cream":300, "Brownie": 400, "Cookie": 200, "Chocolate":300, "Candy": 100}

print("We are going to make you a meal today. Each meal will have one item from each food category:")
print("Start by choosing one of the meats")
meatchoice = input("Please choose the meat that you want: ")

while len(usermeal) == 4:
    #prompt the user for their meat decision
    if meatchoice not in meats:
        print("Please choose a meat from the options!")
    meatchoice = input("Please choose the meat that you want: ")
    if meatchoice in meats:
        meatcalories = meats.get(meatchoice)
        print("This is your meal so far", usermeal)

#randomly chooses a vegetable
    print("Now lets get the vegetable!")
    random_veg = random.choice(list(vegetables))
    print("The random vegetable is:", random_veg)
    vegcalories = vegetables.get(random_veg)
    print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal, "and its calorie count:", vegcalories)

#randomly chooses a fruit
    print("Now lets get the fruit!")
    random_fruit = random.choice(list(fruits))
    print("The random fruit is:", random_fruit)
    fruitcalories = fruits.get(random_fruit)
    print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal, "and its calorie count:", fruitcalories)

#randomly chooses a desert
    print("Now lets get the desert!")
    random_desert = random.choice(list(deserts))
    print("The random desert is:", random_desert)
    desertcalories = deserts.get(random_desert)
    print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal, "and its calorie count:", desertcalories)

print("Now since we have all the foods, lets see how many calories it is")
totalcals = meatcalories + vegcalories + fruitcalories + desertcalories
print("Total Calorie Count: ", totalcals)

我不確定問題是什么。 我知道它真的很小。 如果有人可以向我指出,我將不勝感激。 請顯示代碼中的更改。 提前致謝!

看看你的 while 循環的條件是什么。

while len(usermeal) == 4:

現在在 while 循環運行之前,運行它並查看它的輸出


TL;DR 是您運行 while 循環的條件在遇到它時不正確,因此循環永遠不會運行。

import random

usermeal = []
meatcalories = 0
fruitcalories = 0
vegcalories = 0
desertcalories = 0

#defining a list of different foods...
meats = {"NY Strip": 300, "Shrimp": 100, "Lobster": 200, "Clams": 300, "Scallops": 200}
vegetables = {"Asparagus": 50, "Potato": 80, "Brocoli": 50, "Kale": 30, "Beans": 40}
fruits = {"Apple": 40, "Orange": 30, "Bananna":45, "Kiwi": 40, "Mango": 40}
deserts = {"Ice cream":300, "Brownie": 400, "Cookie": 200, "Chocolate":300, "Candy": 100}

print("We are going to make you a meal today. Each meal will have one item from each food category:")
print("Start by choosing one of the meats")
meatchoice = input("Please choose the meat that you want: ")

while len(usermeal) != 4:  #changed condition to NOT 4
    #prompt the user for their meat decision
    if meatchoice not in meats:
        print("Please choose a meat from the options!")
        meatchoice = input("Please choose the meat that you want: ")
    elif meatchoice in meats:  # also moved meatchoice within the if, and made this an elif
        meatcalories = meats.get(meatchoice)
        print("This is your meal so far", usermeal)

#randomly chooses a vegetable
    print("Now lets get the vegetable!")
    random_veg = random.choice(list(vegetables))
    print("The random vegetable is:", random_veg)
    vegcalories = vegetables.get(random_veg)
    print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal, "and its calorie count:", vegcalories)

#randomly chooses a fruit
    print("Now lets get the fruit!")
    random_fruit = random.choice(list(fruits))
    print("The random fruit is:", random_fruit)
    fruitcalories = fruits.get(random_fruit)
    print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal, "and its calorie count:", fruitcalories)

#randomly chooses a desert
    print("Now lets get the desert!")
    random_desert = random.choice(list(deserts))
    print("The random desert is:", random_desert)
    desertcalories = deserts.get(random_desert)
    print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal, "and its calorie count:", desertcalories)

print("Now since we have all the foods, lets see how many calories it is")
totalcals = meatcalories + vegcalories + fruitcalories + desertcalories
print("Total Calorie Count: ", totalcals)

我還認為您可以將隨機選擇的所有內容移到while之外,並且只循環肉類選擇條件。 而且我認為您可以將條件更改為while meatchoice not in meats 但是,它按原樣工作。



import random

usermeal = []
meatcalories = 0
fruitcalories = 0
vegcalories = 0
desertcalories = 0

# defining a list of different foods...
meats = {"NY Strip": 300, "Shrimp": 100,
         "Lobster": 200, "Clams": 300, "Scallops": 200}
vegetables = {"Asparagus": 50, "Potato": 80,
              "Brocoli": 50, "Kale": 30, "Beans": 40}
fruits = {"Apple": 40, "Orange": 30, "Bananna": 45, "Kiwi": 40, "Mango": 40}
deserts = {"Ice cream": 300, "Brownie": 400,
           "Cookie": 200, "Chocolate": 300, "Candy": 100}

print("We are going to make you a meal today. Each meal will have one item from each food category:")
print("Start by choosing one of the meats")
meatchoice = input("Please choose the meat that you want: ")

while meatchoice not in meats:
    # prompt the user for their meat decision
    print("Please choose a meat from the options!")
    meatchoice = input("Please choose the meat that you want: ")

meatcalories = meats.get(meatchoice)
print("This is your meal so far", usermeal)

# randomly chooses a vegetable
print("Now lets get the vegetable!")
random_veg = random.choice(list(vegetables))
print("The random vegetable is:", random_veg)
vegcalories = vegetables.get(random_veg)
print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal,
      "and its calorie count:", vegcalories)

# randomly chooses a fruit
print("Now lets get the fruit!")
random_fruit = random.choice(list(fruits))
print("The random fruit is:", random_fruit)
fruitcalories = fruits.get(random_fruit)
print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal,
      "and its calorie count:", fruitcalories)

# randomly chooses a desert
print("Now lets get the desert!")
random_desert = random.choice(list(deserts))
print("The random desert is:", random_desert)
desertcalories = deserts.get(random_desert)
print("This is your meal so far,", usermeal,
      "and its calorie count:", desertcalories)

print("Now since we have all the foods, lets see how many calories it is")
totalcals = meatcalories + vegcalories + fruitcalories + desertcalories
print("Total Calorie Count: ", totalcals)


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