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如何將 pandas df 轉換為嵌套的 json

[英]How to convert a pandas df into a nested json

我正在嘗試將 pandas dataframe 轉換為嵌套的 json,但卡住了。 Dataframe 包含以下格式的數據:

   description         69    70   project_id    60
1  Lorem Ipsum...            14     5679        CA   
2  Lorem Ipsum...      hom   15     2904        CA  
3  Lorem Ipsum...      im    14     5679        CA       

我想要的是一個 JSON,看起來像這樣:

    [ {
  "issue": {
      "project_id": 5679,
      "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.",
      "custom_fields": [
          "id": 69,
          "value": null
          "id": 60,
          "value": "CA"
          "id": 70,
          "value": "14"
  "issue": {
      "project_id": 2904,
      "description": "Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ",
      "custom_fields": [
          "id": 69,
          "value": "hom"
          "id": 60,
          "value": "CA"
          "id": 70,
          "value": "15"

這是我到目前為止所擁有的,但它不會產生所需的格式,例如我沒有得到的是 JSON 的標題(“問題”...)和嵌套(“id”:. .., “價值”: ...)

j = (df_test.groupby(['description','project_id'])
       .apply(lambda x: x[['69', '70', '84', '60']].to_dict('records'))

關於我必須調整的任何想法? 提前感謝任何幫助和提示

我建議簡單地遍歷數據幀並根據需要處理信息,而不是將其置於一個鏈式 function 調用中:

import pandas as pd
import json

# create example data
df = pd.DataFrame({"description" : ['Lorem Ipsum', 'Lorem Ipsum', 'Lorem Ipsum'],
                   69: [None, "hom", "im"],
                   70: [14, 15, 14],
                   "project_id" : [5679, 2904, 5679],
                   60: ["CA", "CA", "CA"]

# convert data to desired format
res = []
custom_field_keys = [69, 60, 70]

for idx, row in df.iterrows():
    entry = { key: value for key, value in row.items() if key not in custom_field_keys }
    entry["custom_fields"] = [
        {"id": key, "value": value} for key, value in row.items() if key in custom_field_keys
    res.append({"issue": entry})

print(json.dumps(res, indent=2))


    "issue": {
      "description": "Lorem Ipsum",
      "project_id": 5679,
      "custom_fields": [
          "id": 69,
          "value": null
          "id": 70,
          "value": 14
          "id": 60,
          "value": "CA"
    "issue": {
      "description": "Lorem Ipsum",
      "project_id": 2904,
      "custom_fields": [
          "id": 69,
          "value": "hom"
          "id": 70,
          "value": 15
          "id": 60,
          "value": "CA"
    "issue": {
      "description": "Lorem Ipsum",
      "project_id": 5679,
      "custom_fields": [
          "id": 69,
          "value": "im"
          "id": 70,
          "value": 14
          "id": 60,
          "value": "CA"


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