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如何從發布請求中獲得響應? 銳化

[英]How do i get the response from a post request? Restsharp


  var options = new RestClientOptions("https://httpbin.org/#/HTTP_Methods/post_post")
            ThrowOnAnyError   = true,
            Timeout = 1000
       var client = new RestClient(options);
       var request = new RestRequest()
           .AddQueryParameter("foo", "bar");

我正在使用 RestSharp 107.3.0,如果可以,請提供幫助

Use .Result which will give response from both Get and Post method in RestSharp 107.

RestClient client = new("http://baseURL");
RestRequest restRequest = new("api/test");
restRequest.AddQueryParameter("foo", "bar");
RestResponse response = client.ExecuteAsync(restRequest, Method.Post).Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response);


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