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啟用 App Check 的單元測試可調用 firebase function

[英]Unit testing callable firebase function with App Check enabled

我正在嘗試根據提供的示例對我的 firebase 可調用雲 function 進行單元測試。 請參閱Firebase 示例 它歸結為這樣的事情

const { expect } = require("chai");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");

const test = require("firebase-functions-test")({
    projectId: "MYPROJECTID",

// Import the exported function definitions from our functions/index.js file
const myFunctions = require("../lib/test");
describe("Unit tests", () => {
  after(() => {

  it("tests a simple callable function", async () => {
    const wrapped = test.wrap(myFunctions.sayHelloWorld);

    const data = {
      eventName: "New event"

    // Call the wrapped function with data and context
    const result = await wrapped(data);

    // Check that the result looks like we expected.
      c: 3,


問題是 function 受到 App Check 的保護,如果我嘗試測試它,它總是無法通過 App Check 測試:

export const sayHelloWorld = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {

    // context.app will be undefined if the request doesn't include a valid
    // App Check token.
    if (context.app === undefined) {
        throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
            'The function must be called from an App Check verified app.')

如何包含調試 App Check Token,以便我可以測試 function? 為了在 iOS 上設置 AppCheck,我遵循了這個 guid Enable App Check with App Attest on Apple platforms 當涉及到對雲功能執行 AppCheck 時,我遵循了此處提到的這些步驟。 為 Cloud Functions 啟用 App Check 強制執行

經過一番挖掘后,我發現您需要像這樣向包裝的 function 提供一個應用程序 object:

const result = await wrapped(data, {
    auth: {
      uid: "someID",
      token: "SomeToken",
    app: { appId: "SomeAppID" },



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