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python 的 re.findall 替代方案

[英]Alternative for re.findall for python

我正在使用 arduino uno 和熱敏電阻來測量當前溫度。 我一直在使用 re.findall 來查找第 4 行中的匹配字符串,是否有替代方法而不是使用具有相同 function 的 re.findall? 因為我不允許在我的項目中使用 re。 謝謝

def my_function(port):
    # Set COM Port.....
    ser = serial.Serial(port, 9600, timeout=0,
                        parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, rtscts=0)


# Set path to my Arduino device
# portPath = my_function
baud = 9600
sample_time = 1  # Takes temperature every 1 second
sim_time = 1  # Graphs 5 data points

# Initializing Lists
# Data Collection
data_log = []
line_data = []

# Establishing Serial Connection
connection = serial.Serial("com3", baud)

# Calculating the length of data to collect based on the
# sample time and simulation time (set by user)
max_length = sim_time / sample_time

# Collecting the data from the serial port
while True:
    line = connection.readline()
    line_data = re.findall('\d*\.\d*', str(line))
    line_data = filter(None, line_data)
    line_data = [float(x) for x in line_data]
    line_data = [(x - 32) * 0.5556 for x in line_data]  # list comprehension to convert line_data temp to celsius
    line_data = [round(elem, 2) for elem in line_data]  # round temp to 2 dp
    if len(line_data) > 0:
        print("The current temperature is:" + str(line_data[0]) + " celsius")

在這里查看這個答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4289557/7802476稍微修改一下也可以給出小數:

>>> txt = "h3110 23 cat 444.4 rabbit 11 2 dog"
>>> [float(s) for s in txt.split() if '.' in s and s.replace('.','').isdigit()]
>>> [444.4]

您的正則表達式\d*\.\d*將匹配{.2, 2., 2.2,...}等數字,但不會匹配{2} ,因為\. 必須在數字中。 上面也會做同樣的事情。



[float(s.replace(f'{unit}', '')) for s in txt.split()
if '.' in s and s.replace('.','').replace(f'{unit}', '').isdigit()]


但是,您的正則表達式匹配附加到任何字符串的所有浮點數。 也就是說, cat2.2rabbit也會返回2.2 ,不確定是否應該返回。

由於沒有給出樣本 output,下面是從文本中提取所有有效數字的代碼:

a = "Temperature = 54.3F 62.5, 79999 54.3°C 23.3C"

a+=' '
temp = []
i = 0
while i < len(a):
    if (a[i].isdigit() or a[i] == '.'):
        if a[i] == '.' and '.' in temp[-1]:
            x = a.find(' ', i)
            i = x
        elif i == 0:
            temp[-1] += a[i]
        elif len(temp)>0 and a[i-1] == temp[-1][-1]:
            temp[-1] += a[i]
    i += 1
temp = list(map(float, temp)) # Float casting


['54.3', '62.5', '79999', '54.3', '23.3']


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