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檢索 DbSet 的通用方法<t>來自 DbContext 並使用 Include() 方法 c#</t>

[英]Generic method to retrieve DbSet <T> from DbContext and Using Include() method c#

我做了這個 function 來檢索所有數據。

public static List<Volunteer> GetAllVolunteers()
    using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
        return db.Volunteers.**Include(v => v.roleForVolunteers).Include(v => v.VolunteerOffers)

我有這個通用的 function 可以檢索 DBSet T。

public static List<T> GetDbSet<T>() where T : class
    using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
        return db.GetDbSet<T>().ToList();

我可以制作一個通用的 function 來檢索連接到一個 DBSet T 的所有數據嗎?


獲取T實體的DbSet Class 從上下文中鍵入DbSet<T>IQueryable<T>

在這個IQueryable<T> object 上,可以在命名空間System.Linq的幫助下執行多個操作,如Where()Include()orderBy()等。

  • 使用Include()方法,傳遞所需的包含屬性。

  • 對於並行處理,使用System.Threading.Tasks中的 TPL


public static List<T> GetDbSet<T>(string[] includeProperties) where T : class
    using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
        IQueryable<T> query = db.Set<T>();

        Parallel.ForEach(inlcudeProperties, includeProperty => {

        return query.ToList();

一個月前,我嘗試做類似的事情,但我有 tableName。 我留給你一些細節,你可以適應

您提取表格上下文所有表和 select 只有 ClrType 與您的 T 類型相對應。

var selectedTable = contextDb.Model
            .Select(x => new TableSpecification // Custom class
                TableName = x.GetTableName(),
                ClrType = x.ClrType,
                JoinTable = x.GetForeignKeys(),
                JoinTableProp = x.GetForeignKeyProperties(),
                NavigationProp = x.GetNavigations(),
                ColumnsTable = null
           .Where(// where ClrType)

這是我的習慣 class

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Seac.CRM.DbInfrastructure.Model.Context;

public class TableSpecification
    public string TableName { get; init; }
    public Type ClrType { get; init; }
    public IEnumerable<IForeignKey> JoinTable { get; init; }
    public IEnumerable<IProperty> JoinTableProp { get; init; }
    public IEnumerable<INavigation> NavigationProp { get; init; }
    public IEnumerable<IProperty> ColumnsTable { get; init; }


var joinLookup = selectedTable.JoinTable.GetLookupForeignKey();

foreach (var lookup in joinLookup)
   queryable = queryable.Include(lookup.PrincipalEntityType.Name.Split(".").Last());



如果你需要自定義包含 T 你可以使用IIncludableQueryable<T, object>>

public static List<T> GetDbSet<T>(IIncludableQueryable<T, object>> include = null) where T : class
    using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
        IQueryable<T> query = db.Set<T>();

        if (includesFunc is not null)
            query = includesFunc(query);

        return query.ToList();

感謝所有試圖幫助我的人。 這是對我有用的解決方案。

  public static List<T> GetDbSetWithIncludes<T>(string[] includes) where T : class
        using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
            db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
            return IncludeMultiple<T>(db.GetDbSet<T>(), includes).ToList();

 public static IQueryable<T> IncludeMultiple<T>(IQueryable<T> query, string[] includes)where T : class
            if (includes != null)
                query = includes.Aggregate(query, (current, include) =>
            return query;


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