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使用 Newtonsoft.Json 反序列化為 AsyncEnumerable

[英]Deserializing to AsyncEnumerable using Newtonsoft.Json

System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable<T>是 System.Text.Json 的一種方法,它可以采用Stream並生成IAsyncEnumerable<T> ,其中枚舉可以是異步的。 例如,這對於反序列化由網絡連接流式傳輸的元素數組很有用,因此我們可以在到達流的實際末尾之前輸出元素。

有什么方法可以使用 Newtonsoft.Json 庫實現等效功能?

Json.NET 的JsonSerializer類不支持異步反序列化,未來計划不支持。 如需確認,請參閱例如以下未解決的問題:

然而, JsonTextReader確實支持異步讀取,並且 LINQ-to-JSON 支持通過JToken.LoadAsync()進行異步加載。 因此,您應該能夠創建一個IAsyncEnumerable來遍歷其根值為數組的 JSON 流,並將每個數組元素作為JToken異步返回。 隨后,您可以使用JToken.ToObject<T>()將每個令牌反序列化為最終模型。


public static partial class JsonExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronously load and synchronously deserialize values from a stream containing a JSON array.  The root object of the JSON stream must in fact be an array, or an exception is thrown
    /// </summary>
    public static async IAsyncEnumerable<T?> DeserializeAsyncEnumerable<T>(Stream stream, JsonSerializerSettings? settings = default, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var serializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings);
        var loadSettings = new JsonLoadSettings { LineInfoHandling = LineInfoHandling.Ignore }; // For performance do not load line info.
        // StreamReader and JsonTextReader do not implement IAsyncDisposable so let the caller dispose the stream.
        using (var textReader = new StreamReader(stream, leaveOpen : true))
        using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(textReader) { CloseInput = false })
            await foreach (var token in LoadAsyncEnumerable(reader, loadSettings, cancellationToken ).ConfigureAwait(false))
                yield return token.ToObject<T>(serializer);
    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronously load and return JToken values from a stream containing a JSON array.  The root object of the JSON stream must in fact be an array, or an exception is thrown
    /// </summary>
    public static async IAsyncEnumerable<JToken> LoadJTokenAsyncEnumerable(Stream stream, JsonLoadSettings? settings = default, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        // StreamReader and JsonTextReader do not implement IAsyncDisposable so let the caller dispose the stream.
        using (var textReader = new StreamReader(stream, leaveOpen : true))
        using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(textReader) { CloseInput = false })
            await foreach (var token in LoadAsyncEnumerable(reader, settings, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                yield return token;
    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronously load and return JToken values from a stream containing a JSON array.  The root object of the JSON stream must in fact be an array, or an exception is thrown
    /// </summary>
    public static async IAsyncEnumerable<JToken> LoadAsyncEnumerable(JsonTextReader reader, JsonLoadSettings? settings = default, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        (await reader.MoveToContentAndAssertAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).AssertTokenType(JsonToken.StartArray);
        while ((await reader.ReadToContentAndAssert(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
            yield return await JToken.LoadAsync(reader, settings, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    public static JsonReader AssertTokenType(this JsonReader reader, JsonToken tokenType) => 
        reader.TokenType == tokenType ? reader : throw new JsonSerializationException(string.Format("Unexpected token {0}, expected {1}", reader.TokenType, tokenType));
    public static async Task<JsonReader> ReadToContentAndAssert(this JsonReader reader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) =>
        await (await reader.ReadAndAssertAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).MoveToContentAndAssertAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

    public static async Task<JsonReader> MoveToContentAndAssertAsync(this JsonReader reader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (reader == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.None)       // Skip past beginning of stream.
            await reader.ReadAndAssertAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        while (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Comment) // Skip past comments.
            await reader.ReadAndAssertAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        return reader;

    public static async Task<JsonReader> ReadAndAssertAsync(this JsonReader reader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (reader == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        if (!await reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
            throw new JsonReaderException("Unexpected end of JSON stream.");
        return reader;


await foreach (var token in JsonExtensions.LoadJTokenAsyncEnumerable(stream, cancellationToken : cancellationToken))


  • 取消未測試。 如果取消,上述實現應該拋出OperationCanceledException

  • System.Text.Json是從頭開始設計的,以支持具有良好性能的異步反序列化。 如果你需要異步反序列化,你應該考慮重寫你的代碼來使用它。

  • StreamReaderJsonTextReader不實現IAsyncDisposable ,因此擴展方法使底層流保持打開狀態,以供調用者處置。

  • 我不確定 .NET 6 中是否仍需要所有這些.ConfigureAwait(false)調用。



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