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如何在 Java 中確定 Arc 的方向

[英]How to determine Arc's Orientation in Java


final Arc2D.Double arcPath = new Arc2D.Double();
arcPath.setArcByCenter(centerPoint.getX(), centerPoint.getY(), radius, fDXFArc.getStartAngle(), fDXFArc.getTotalAngle(), Arc2D.OPEN);

弧線在我的畫布上完美呈現,但我不知道它們是順時針還是逆時針。 有人可以分享檢測弧線方向的算法嗎?

我看到兩個提示always counterclockwise (80%肯定):


* The angles are specified relative to the non-square
* framing rectangle such that 45 degrees always falls on the line from
* the center of the ellipse to the upper right corner of the framing
* rectangle.

這只有在12 pm0 degreesclockwise測量的度數或3 pmcounterclockwise測量的度數時才成立。

同一包中的第二個public void setAngles() counterclockwise測量度數:

* The arc will always be non-empty and extend counterclockwise
* from the first point around to the second point.



 * @author      Jim Graham

我實際上設法確定了我的弧線方向。 我只是將每個大於 180 度的弧分成 2 個較小的弧,我使用以下代碼

Point startPoint = arc.getBorderPoint(EBorderPoint.StartPoint);
Point endPoint = arc.getBorderPoint(EBorderPoint.EndPoint);
Point centerPoint = arc.getBorderPoint(EBorderPoint.CenterPoint);

final double result = (endPoint.getX() - startPoint.getX()) * (centerPoint.getY() - startPoint.getY()) - (endPoint.getY() - startPoint.getY()) * (centerPoint.getX() - startPoint.getX());
boolean isClockWise = result > 0 ? false : true;

if (result == 0)
    // Since I splitted the large arcs to 2 smaller arcs 
    // the code will never go to this if statement      


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