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[英]If a class has a property of another class, how to tell if the properties of the inner class match

我正在研究一種能夠查看 2 個對象是否匹配的解決方案。 重要的是,對於 2 個對象,如果它們共享一個屬性,則這些屬性的值是匹配的

對於兩個類 SC 和 DI,Test 屬性正確地評估為 True。 但是 Little 類將評估為假,因為 SC 和 DI 使用 Little 對象的不同實例,即使 Little 類的信息是正確的。

namespace HelloWorld
    using System;
    using System.Reflection;

    public class Little
        public string L1 { get; set; }
        public string L2 { get; set; }
    public class Solution
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Test { get; set; }
        public Little L {get; set; }
    public class Device
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Test { get; set; }
        public Little L {get; set; }
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var Li = new Little {
                L1 = "L1111",
                L2 = "L2222"
            var Li2 = new Little {
                L1 = "L1111",
                L2 = "L2222"
            var SC = new Solution {
                Name = "SC",
                Test = "T1",
                L = Li2
            var DI = new Device {
                Name = "DI",
                Test = "T1",
                L = Li
            foreach (var property in SC.GetType().GetProperties())
                var deviceProperty = DI.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name);
                if (deviceProperty != null)
                    if (deviceProperty.GetValue(DI) != property.GetValue(SC))
                        // it is registered as flase since DI and SC have different Little objects - even though thouse object values are the same 
                        // Best way to determine if the values are of type Little (or any other me-defined class) - because wont .IsClass evaluate string to True as well?
                        // What if there was another class inside Litte? Do I have to recursively / loop until I can see everything is a string or int?
                        Console.WriteLine("We have a match");

GetValue 返回一個object ,調用 ToString() 然后進行“字符串比較”。 實際上,您的代碼比較了兩個對象,因此不匹配。 如果您期望不同類型的屬性,那么您需要重寫Equals來進行自定義比較。


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