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命令:cabal build all,回退到舊的 state

[英]command: cabal build all, falling back to older state


並在執行cabal build all時出現此錯誤


HEAD is now at 00ebe72 Added support for aeson-2.0, text-2.0, and GHC 9.2
Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' is 146 days old.
Run 'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages.
Warning: Requested index-state 2022-05-18T00:00:00Z is newer than
'hackage.haskell.org'! Falling back to older state (2022-03-02T05:17:47Z).
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
[__0] trying: cardano-wallet-2022.7.1 (user goal)
[__1] next goal: blockfrost-client-core (dependency of cardano-wallet)
[__1] rejecting: blockfrost-client-core- (conflict: cardano-wallet =>
blockfrost-client-core>=0.4 && <0.5)
[__1] skipping: blockfrost-client-core- (has the same characteristics
that caused the previous version to fail: excluded by constraint '>=0.4 &&
<0.5' from 'cardano-wallet')
[__1] fail (backjumping, conflict set: blockfrost-client-core, cardano-wallet)
After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, these were the
goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: cardano-wallet, blockfrost-client-core

使用 cardano-node 版本 1.35.0 並嘗試安裝 cardano-wallet v2022-7-1

這幾乎可以肯定是由於 Hackage 提供的軟件包列表(及其版本)的過期緩存。 您可以使用

cabal update

獲取最新列表; 然后再試一次。

通過執行cabal update命令解決的錯誤


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