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使用 excel 表格數據制作 txt 文件

[英]Making a txt file using excel sheet data


txt 圖像文件

我是一名生物學專業的學生,​​沒有編碼經驗。 我想從excel文件中的特定數據制作txt文件。 txt 文件中的數據應采用 txt 文件中給出的格式,其中

center_x = data from center_x and pocket 1 (col 7, row 2)
center_y = data from center_y and pocket 1 (col 8, row 2)
center_z = data from center_z and pocket 1 (col 9, row 2)

size_x = 60
size_y = 60
size_z = 60

energy_range = 10

如何制作一個 python 腳本,它可以為 1000 個 excel 文件執行此操作? 任何幫助將不勝感激。

首先對單個文件執行此操作,並將代碼放入 function 中,文件名為 argumetn - 即。 function(filename) - 稍后使用for -loop 為列表中的許多文件名執行它。

import pandas as pd

def function(filename):
    df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\s*,\s*', engine='python')
    row = df[ df['name'] == 'pocket1' ]
    x = row['center_x'][0]
    y = row['center_y'][0]
    z = row['center_z'][0]
    #print(x, y, z)
    text = ""
    text += f"center_x = {x}\n"
    text += f"center_y = {y}\n"
    text += f"center_z = {z}\n"
    text += f"\n"    
    text += f"size_x = 60\n"    
    text += f"size_y = 60\n"    
    text += f"size_z = 60\n"
    text += "\n"
    text += "energy_range = 10\n"
    with open(filename + '.txt', 'w') as fh:
# --- main ---

#import os
#all_filenames = os.listdir()

#import glob
#all_filenames = glob.glob('*.csv')

all_filenames = ['structure.pdb_predictions.csv']

for filename in all_filenames:


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