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c# 中的鼠標可點擊退格按鈕

[英]mouse clickable backspace button in c#

我想在 windows 中為我的計算器應用程序制作一個退格按鈕,問題是它刪除了 cursor 右側的字符,而不是左側我該怎么辦?

 private void DeleteTextValue()
        //if we don't have any value to delete, return 
        if (this.UserInput.Text.Length < this.UserInput.SelectionStart + 1)

        //remember cursor location
        var selectionStart = this.UserInput.SelectionStart;

        //delete the char to the right of the cursor
        this.UserInput.Text = this.UserInput.Text.Remove(this.UserInput.Text.Length-1, 1);

        //restore the cursor location
        this.UserInput.SelectionStart = selectionStart;

        //unhighlight the text
        this.UserInput.SelectionStart = 0 ;

試試這個,我使用 substring 而不是刪除。

private void DeleteTextValue()
        //if we don't have any value to delete, return 
        if (this.UserInput.Text.Length < this.UserInput.SelectionStart + 1)

        //remember cursor location
        var selectionStart = this.UserInput.SelectionStart;

        //delete the char to the right of the cursor
        //this.UserInput.Text = this.UserInput.Text.Remove(this.UserInput.Text.Length - 1, 1);
        if (UserInput.SelectedText.Length > 0)
            UserInput.Text = this.UserInput.Text.Substring(0, this.UserInput.SelectionStart) + "" + this.UserInput.Text.Substring(this.UserInput.SelectionStart + this.UserInput.SelectionLength);
            selectionStart = selectionStart - this.UserInput.SelectionLength; 
            UserInput.Text = this.UserInput.Text.Substring(0, this.UserInput.SelectionStart - 1) + "" + this.UserInput.Text.Substring(this.UserInput.SelectionStart);
            selectionStart = selectionStart - 1;
        //restore the cursor location
        this.UserInput.SelectionStart = selectionStart;

        //unhighlight the text
         this.UserInput.SelectionLength= 0;


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