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Javascript 字符串拼接似乎不起作用

[英]Javascript String Splicing does not seem to work


我將它保存在 LocalStorage 中並從中讀取。

$(".content-accordion-content").each(function (index) {
                console.log(index, $(this).attr("id"));
                $(this).on("show.bs.collapse", function () {
                    var expandedCollapses = localStorage.getItem("ExpandedCollapses");
                    if (expandedCollapses !== undefined && expandedCollapses !== null && expandedCollapses !== "") {
                        expandedCollapses = expandedCollapses + "|" + $(this).attr("id");
                    else {
                        expandedCollapses = $(this).attr("id");
                    localStorage.setItem("ExpandedCollapses", expandedCollapses);
                $(this).on("hide.bs.collapse", function () {
                    var expandedCollapses = localStorage.getItem("ExpandedCollapses");
                    if (expandedCollapses !== undefined && expandedCollapses !== null) {
                        if (!expandedCollapses.includes("|") && expandedCollapses.includes($(this).attr("id")))
                            expandedCollapses = "";
                        else {
                            var ecArr = expandedCollapses.split("|");
                            expandedCollapses = ecArr.splice(ecArr.indexOf($(this).attr("id")), 1).join("|");
                        localStorage.setItem("ExpandedCollapses", expandedCollapses);

它似乎有效,但有時它會從數組中刪除多個條目。 例如,我打開作者,然后打開書籍,然后打開視頻。 字符串看起來像這樣“作者|書籍|視頻”如果我現在關閉書籍,它唯一的“作者”有人可以幫我解開我的大腦嗎?

哎呀,找到了。 我加入了 .splice() 方法的結果。 事實證明這是錯誤的。 這在這里修復了我的代碼

var ecArr = expandedCollapses.split("|");
ecArr.splice(ecArr.indexOf($(this).attr("id")), 1);
expandedCollapses = ecArr.join("|");



 let currentValue = ""; function toggleValue(_value) { let splitValue = currentValue.split("|").filter(_=>_); // split by '|' // as well as filter out falsy string values ie "" if (splitValue.includes(_value)) { // check if the array includes the value // we can use includes because we arent checking for complex types splitValue = splitValue.filter(v => v;== _value). // filter out the value that already exists in the array } else { splitValue;push(_value). // we know the value doesn't exist so we can safely push it to the array } const newValue = splitValue;join("|"); // join the array with '|' updateValue(newValue); } //#region Ignore This function updateValue(_value) { currentValue = _value. document.getElementById("output");innerHTML = currentValue; } //#endregion
 <button onclick="toggleValue('author')">Toggle Author</button> <button onclick="toggleValue('books')">Toggle Books</button> <button onclick="toggleValue('videos')">Toggle Videos</button> <div id="output"></div>


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