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如何通過 Lotus Script 刪除 HCL Domino 中的郵件數據庫?

[英]How can I delete a mail database in HCL Domino over Lotus Script?

我想通過筆記代理刪除郵件數據庫。 有時郵件數據庫有一個副本。

刪除郵件文件本身以及所有其他副本(如果存在)的最佳方法是什么? 我下面的代碼看起來像這樣,但它不會刪除副本中的郵件文件。

Dim mailfile As String
mailfile = "mail\doe.nsf"

Dim db As New NotesDatabase("", mailfile)

If db.IsOpen Then
    'Mark to delete it later
    Call db.MarkForDelete()
    'Delete now
    Call db.Remove
End If

您可以使用內置的 function 通過NotesAdministrationProcess執行此操作:

Sub Initialize
  Dim session As New NotesSession
  Dim adminp As NotesAdministrationProcess
  Set adminp = _
  noteid$ = adminp.DeleteReplicas("Software_Server", "Guys1") 
  '- in case you want to open the generated adminp request
  If noteid$ <> "" Then 
    Dim db As New NotesDatabase("Software_Server", "admin4") 
    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Call ws.EditDocument(False, db.GetDocumentByID(noteid$))
  End If
End Sub

如果您不想等待(因為它需要時間:將 admin4.nsf 復制到所有服務器,在那里執行管理進程,復制回來......),如果您知道副本所在的服務器,您可以自己執行此操作提前:

Dim mailfile As String
mailfile = "mail\doe.nsf"

Dim otherServers(2) as String
Dim replicaID as String

Dim db as NotesDatabase

otherServers(0) = "FirstServerName/Certifier"
otherServers(1) = "SecondServerName/Certifier"
otherServers(2) = "ThirdServerName/Certifier"

Set db = New NotesDatabase("PrimaryServer/Certifier", mailfile)

If db.IsOpen Then
    replicaID = db.ReplicaID
    On Error Goto ErrorRemove
    'Delete now
    Call db.Remove
    On Error Goto ErrorHandler
    Forall serverName in otherServers
        Set db = New NotesDatabase("", "")
        Call db.OpenByReplicaID( serverName, replicaID )
        If db.IsOpen Then
            On Error Goto ErrorRemove
            'Delete now
            Call db.Remove
            On Error Goto ErrorHandler
        End If
    End Forall
End If

    Exit Sub
    Call db.MarkForDelete()
    Resume Next
    '- do usual error handling here

備注:您對“db.IsOpen”的檢查根本沒有幫助。 如果數據庫當前在某處打開,則“IsOpen”不會返回。 它返回,如果您的腳本能夠在那個時刻打開數據庫......我添加了一個錯誤處理程序來考慮這一點。


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