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Visual Studio (xamarin) 錯誤“Xamarin.Android for Visual Studio 需要 Java 開發工具包 (JDK)。請點擊此處進行配置。” 0

[英]Visual Studio (xamarin) error "Xamarin.Android for Visual Studio requires Java Development Kit (JDK). Please click here to configure." 0

I was trying to download the Android emulator from visual studio to xamarin but it appears this error "Xamarin.Android for Visual Studio requires Java Development Kit (JDK). Please click here to configure". 我試圖修復 Android SDK Manager 上的安裝並安裝其他 SDK 但錯誤仍然存在。 如果你幫助我,我真的會很高興。 視覺工作室錯誤

您可以嘗試手動安裝 android JDK。

Xamarin.Android uses the Java Development Kit (JDK) to integrate with the Android SDK for building Android apps and running the Android designer. 最新版本的 Android SDK(API 24 及更高版本)需要 JDK 8 (1.8)。


1.從Oracle網站下載JDK 8(1.8):


  1. 選擇 64 位版本以允許在 Xamarin Android 設計器中呈現自定義控件:



4.Open Visual Studio and update the Java Development Kit Location to point to the new JDK under Tools > Options > Xamarin > Android Settings > Java Development Kit Location.

有關更多信息,您可以查看: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/troubleshooting/questions/update-jdk?tabs=windows


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