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C 程序遇到分段錯誤。 (gdb) 無法在地址訪問 memory

[英]C Program bump into segmentation fault. (gdb) Cannot access memory at address

我正在嘗試在 C 中為動態數組(向量)編寫代碼,並且它運行正常,直到我將另一個 function 指針添加到結構(line29: int ( findEle)(vector , int) )中,並初始化它(第 153 行:v ->findEle = findEle)指向 function 實現(第 125 行:int findEle(vector* v, int value))。 每次我嘗試運行調試器時,它都會開始返回分段錯誤。 請在下面找到代碼:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef int BOOL;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

typedef struct Vector vector;

struct Vector
    int currCapacity;
    int currSize;
    int *items;
    // TODO: Try to add another int field, will cause seg fault

    int (*size)(vector*);
    int (*capacity)(vector*);
    BOOL (*is_empty)(vector*);
    void *(*at)(vector*, int);
    void (*push)(vector*, int);
    void (*insert)(vector*, int, int);
    void (*resize)(vector*, size_t);
    int (*pop)(vector*);
    void (*removeValue)(vector*, int);
    void (*delete_ele)(vector*, int);
    int (*findEle)(vector*, int);

// Vector Functions
int size(vector *v)
    return v->currSize;

int capacity(vector *v)
    return v->currCapacity;

BOOL is_empty(vector *v)
    if(v->currSize==0){ return TRUE; }
    return FALSE;

void *at(vector *v, int index)
    if(index >= v->currSize){return NULL;}
    return (int*)(v->items+index);

void push(vector *v, int item)
    if(v->currSize == v->currCapacity)
        v->items = (int*)realloc(v->items, sizeof(int)* (v->currCapacity * 2));
        v->currCapacity = v->currCapacity * 2;
    *(v->items+v->currSize) = item;

void insert(vector* v, int index, int item)
    printf("Inserting %d at index %d\n", item, index);
    if(v->currSize == v->currCapacity)
        v->items = (int*)realloc(v->items, sizeof(int)* (v->currCapacity * 2));
        printf("v->items address: %p\n", v->items);
        v->currCapacity = v->currCapacity * 2;
    int* shift_ptr = v->items+index;
    memmove(v->items+index+1, v->items+index, sizeof(int)*(v->currSize-index));
    *(v->items+index) = item;   

void resize(vector* v, size_t size)
    printf("Resizing from %d to %d\n", v->currSize, size);
    v->items = (int*)realloc(v->items, sizeof(int)* size);

int pop(vector* v)
    int last = *(v->items + (v->currSize-1));
    if(v->currSize*4 == v->currCapacity)
        v->resize(v, v->currCapacity/2);
    return last;

void delete_ele(vector* v, int index)
    int *curr_ptr = v->items+index;
    if(v->currSize*4 == v->currCapacity)
        v->resize(v, v->currCapacity/2);
    memmove(curr_ptr, curr_ptr+1, sizeof(int)*(v->currSize-(index+1)));

void removeValue(vector *v, int value)
    for(int i=0; i<v->currSize; i++)
        int ptr_value = *(v->items+i);
        printf("%d->%d ", i, ptr_value);
            delete_ele(v, i);

int findEle(vector* v, int value)
    for(int i=0; i<v->currSize; i++)
            return i;
    return -1;

vector *initializeVector()
    vector *v;
    v->currSize = 0;
    v->currCapacity = 2;
    v->items = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * v->currCapacity);

    v->size = size;
    v->capacity = capacity;
    v->is_empty = is_empty;
    v->at = at;
    v->push = push;
    v->insert = insert;
    v->pop = pop;
    v->removeValue = removeValue;
    v->delete_ele = delete_ele;
    v->findEle = findEle;
    return v;

int main()
    vector *v = initializeVector();
    v->push(v, 8);
    v->push(v, 25);
    v->push(v, 25);
    v->push(v, 12);
    printf("element 0 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 0));
    printf("element 1 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 1));
    printf("element 2 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 2));
    printf("element 3 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 3));
    v->insert(v, 1, 50);
    printf("element 0 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 0));
    printf("element 1 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 1));
    printf("element 2 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 2));
    printf("element 3 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 3));
    printf("element 4 :%d\n", *(int*)v->at(v, 4));
    //printf("%d\n", v->pop(v));
    printf("%d\n", v->findEle(v, 25));
    v->removeValue(v, 25);
    for(int i=0; i<v->currSize; i++)
        int ptr_value = *(v->items+i);
        printf("%d->%d ", i, ptr_value);
    return 0;

我嘗試使用 gdb 進行調試,它返回以下消息:

程序收到信號 SIGSEGV,分段錯誤。 0x0040189a in initializeVector () at Vector.c:153 153 v->findEle = findEle;

當我試圖獲取所述 function 的地址時,它顯示以下消息: (gdb) x v->findEle 無法在地址 0x620000 訪問 memory

如果我對 memory 分配有一些問題,有人可以提出建議嗎? 或者問題可能是由於其他一些原因? 謝謝!


void resize(vector* v, size_t size)
    printf("Resizing from %d to %d\n", v->currSize, size);
    v->items = (int*)realloc(v->items, sizeof(int)* size);

int pop(vector* v)
    int last = *(v->items + (v->currSize-1));
    if(v->currSize*4 == v->currCapacity)
        v->resize(v, v->currCapacity/2);
    return last;

void delete_ele(vector* v, int index)
    int *curr_ptr = v->items+index;
    if(v->currSize*4 == v->currCapacity)
        v->resize(v, v->currCapacity/2);
    memmove(curr_ptr, curr_ptr+1, sizeof(int)*(v->currSize-(index+1)));


而在這個 function

vector *initializeVector()
    vector *v;
    v->currSize = 0;
    v->currCapacity = 2;
    v->items = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * v->currCapacity);

    v->size = size;
    v->capacity = capacity;
    v->is_empty = is_empty;
    v->at = at;
    v->push = push;
    v->insert = insert;
    v->pop = pop;
    v->removeValue = removeValue;
    v->delete_ele = delete_ele;
    v->findEle = findEle;
    return v;

使用了未初始化的指針v ,它具有不確定的值,導致未定義的行為。

您還需要檢查每個使用它的 function 中的參數index的值。


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