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[英]Trying to separate two separate strings

我試圖返回到此 if 語句中的單獨字符串,而不是作為單個字符串。 一個作為緯度,另一個作為經度

static string GeoCoding(string address)
    var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(baseUrlGC + address.Replace(" ", "+")
        + plusUrl);//concatenate URL with the input address and downloads the requested resource
    GoogleGeoCodeResponse jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(json); //deserializing the result to GoogleGeoCodeResponse

    string status = jsonResult.status; // get status 

    string geoLocation = String.Empty;

    //check if status is OK
    if (status == "OK") 
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.results.Length;i++) //loop throught the result for lat/lng
            geoLocation = jsonResult.results[i].geometry.location.lat + jsonResult.results[i].geometry.location.lng + Environment.NewLine; //append the result addresses to every new line
        return geoLocation; //return result
        return status; //return status / error if not OK

假設您的預期結果是 2 個字符串:緯度經度和錯誤時的代碼。 我建議你創建一個新的

class GeoResponse{
List<(string, string)> geocodeList;
string  status;


static GeoResponse GeoCoding(string address)
            var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(baseUrlGC + address.Replace(" ", "+")
                + plusUrl);//concatenate URL with the input address and downloads the requested resource
            GoogleGeoCodeResponse jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(json); //deserializing the result to GoogleGeoCodeResponse


            GeoResponse result = new GeoResponse();
            result.status = jsonResult.status; // get status 

            //check if status is OK
            if (status == "OK")

                for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.results.Length; i++) //loop throught the result for lat/lng
                    result.geocodeList.Add(jsonResult.results[i].geometry.location.lat, jsonResult.results[i].geometry.location.lng);
            return result;

如果您想在status ok status ok拋出異常,那么您可以這樣做:

static List<Tuple<string, string>> GeoCoding(string address)
    var json = new WebClient().DownloadString($"...");
    var jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(json); 

    if (jsonResult.status != "OK")
        throw new Exception($"Request failed with {jsonResult.status}");

    return jsonResult.results
        .Select(result => result.geometry.location)
        .Select(loc => new Tuple<string, string>(loc.lat, loc.lng))


static List<(string Lat, string Long)> GeoCoding(string address)

    return jsonResult.results
        .Select(result => result.geometry.location)
        .Select(loc => (loc.lat, loc.lng))

另請注意, WebClient已被棄用,因此請改用HttpClient

更新 #1

我想 output “N/A” 為 ZERO_RESULTS

static List<(string Lat, string Long)> GeoCoding(string address)
    var json = new WebClient().DownloadString($"...");
    var jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(json); 

    if (jsonResult.status == "ZERO_RESULTS")
        return new List<(string, string)> { ("N/A", "N/A") };

    if (jsonResult.status != "OK")
        throw new Exception($"Request failed with {jsonResult.status}");

    return jsonResult.results
        .Select(result => result.geometry.location)
        .Select(loc => (loc.lat, loc.lng))


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