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[英]Dijkstra's weighted shortest path in Python

我正在嘗試解決來自 PepCoding、Graph Foundation 1、Shortest Path In Weights 的問題,並將解決方案從 Java 復制到 Python。


1. You are given a graph and a source vertex. The vertices represent cities and the edges represent 
    distance in kms.
2. You are required to find the shortest path to each city (in terms of kms) from the source city along 
    with the total distance on path from source to destinations.

Note -> For output, check the sample output and question video.


0 1 10
1 2 10
2 3 10
0 3 40
3 4 2
4 5 3
5 6 3
4 6 8
2 5 5


0 via 0 @ 0
1 via 01 @ 10
2 via 012 @ 20
5 via 0125 @ 25
4 via 01254 @ 28
6 via 01256 @ 28
3 via 012543 @ 30

我實現了一個列表而不是 PriorityQueue,並嘗試使用__lt____ge__等運算符對 class 中的Pair元素進行排序。 但是,除了03之間的最短路徑不正確之外,我得到的所有結果都是正確的。

這是我的 output:

0  via  0 @ 0
1  via  01 @ 10
2  via  012 @ 20
5  via  0125 @ 25
4  via  01254 @ 28
6  via  01256 @ 28
3  via  0123 @ 30  <-- This differ should be: 3 via 012543 @ 30
Loop:  [(28, 6, '01256'), (30, 3, '0123'), (40, 3, '03'), (30, 3, '012543')]
Loop:  [(28, 6, '01256'), (30, 3, '0123'), (40, 3, '03'), (30, 3, '012543'), (36, 6, '012546')]
POP:  (28, 6, '01256')
6  via  01256 @ 28
POP:  (30, 3, '0123')  <-- *This is getting pop instead of, POP:  (30, 3, '012543')
3  via  0123 @ 30
POP:  (30, 3, '012543')
POP:  (36, 6, '012546')
POP:  (40, 3, '03')

實現compareTo的 Java 中的這段代碼正在發揮作用。

static class Pair implements Comparable<Pair> {
      int v;
      String psf;
      int wsf;

      Pair(int v, String psf, int wsf){
         this.v = v;
         this.psf = psf;
         this.wsf = wsf;

      public int compareTo(Pair o){
         return this.wsf - o.wsf;

這是 Python 中的代碼:

class Edge:
    def __init__(self, src, nbr, wt):
        self.src = src
        self.nbr = nbr
        self.wt = wt

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__dict__)

class Pair:
    def __init__(self, wsf, v, psf):
        self.wsf = wsf
        self.v = v
        self.psf = psf

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr((self.wsf, self.v, self.psf))

    def __lt__(self, o):
        return self.wsf < o.wsf

    def __ge__(self, o):
        return len(self.psf) < len(o.psf)

def main():
    vtces = int(input())
    edges = int(input())
    graph = {}
    for i in range(vtces):
        graph[i] = []

    for i in range(edges):
        lines = input().split(" ")
        v1 = int(lines[0])
        v2 = int(lines[1])
        wt = int(lines[2])
        e1 = Edge(v1, v2, wt)
        e2 = Edge(v2, v1, wt)

    src = int(input())
    # print(type(graph))
    # for i in graph:
    #     for j in graph[i]:
    #         print(i, j)

    # Write your code here
    pq = []

    pq.append(Pair(0, src, str(src) + ""))
    # print("\nStart: ",pq)
    visited = [False] * vtces

    while len(pq) > 0:
        rem = pq.pop(0)
        # print("POP: ", rem)

        if visited[rem.v] == True:
        visited[rem.v] = True
        print(rem.v, " via ", rem.psf, "@", rem.wsf)

        for e in graph[rem.v]:
            if visited[e.nbr] == False:
                pq.append(Pair(rem.wsf + e.wt, e.nbr, str(rem.psf) + str(e.nbr)))
                # print("Loop: ",pq)

    # print(pq)

if __name__ == "__main__":


查看您的代碼后,我認為排序function 將返回距離最短且跳數(頂點)最少的路徑。

在嘗試了多個 class 比較器或此處提到的 Java 的“compareTo()”之后。 最后,我在這里遇到了“Java 的 compareTo() 的 Python 等價物”,並在Pair class 中做了以下修改,它3 via 012543 @ 30的路徑 [Previous error was 30, 3, '0123' ]。

class Pair():
    def __init__(self, wsf, v, psf):
        self.wsf = wsf
        self.v = v
        self.psf = psf

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr((self.wsf, self.v, self.psf))

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.wsf == other.wsf:
            return len(self.psf) > len(other.psf)
        return self.wsf < other.wsf

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return other.__lt__(self)

我使用list實現了上面的內容,但在測試期間我嘗試了heapq ,但沒有解決太多問題。 也許我不確定有什么更好的方法。

while len(pq) > 0:
        # print("sLoop: ", pq)
        rem = pq.pop(0)
        # print("POP: ", rem)

        if visited[rem.v] == True:
        visited[rem.v] = True
        print(rem.v, "via", rem.psf, "@", rem.wsf)

        for e in graph[rem.v]:
            if visited[e.nbr] == False:
                pq.append(Pair(rem.wsf + e.wt, e.nbr, str(rem.psf) + str(e.nbr)))
                # print("Loop: ", pq)



2 via 2 @ 0
5 via 25 @ 5
4 via 254 @ 8
6 via 256 @ 8
3 via 2543 @ 10
1 via 21 @ 10
0 via 210 @ 20

但我仍然對我的結果感到滿意。 謝謝大家。


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