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讓輸入在 python 中相互疊加

[英]Having inputs add onto each other in python

我是初學者,我正在研究一個簡單的信用計划。 我希望它能正常工作,所以每次我添加一個數字輸入時,它都會存儲在一個顯示我的總余額的變量中。 現在的問題是該程序只是一個一次性程序,因此我輸入的輸入不會保存到變量中,因此當我輸入另一個值時,它會被添加到先前的輸入中。 代碼如下:

Purchase = int(input("How much was your purchase? "))

credit_balance = 0

credit_limit = 2000

Total = credit_balance + Purchase
print("Your account value right now: ", Total)

if Total == credit_limit:
    print("You have reached your credit limit!", Total)

您需要引入一個 while 循環來讓它繼續運行。 試試這個:

credit_limit = 2000
credit_balance = 0

while True:

    print('Welcome to the Credit Card Company')
    Purchase = int(input("How much was your purchase? "))
    Total = credit_balance + Purchase

    print("Your account value right now: ", Total)

    if Total >= credit_limit:
        print("You have reached your credit limit!", Total)

請注意,這將使它無限期地繼續下去。 您需要為用戶添加邏輯以輸入退出命令。 你可以使用類似的東西:

    print('Welcome to the Credit Card Company')
    Purchase = int(input("How much was your purchase? Or type Exit to exit."))


if Purchase == 'Exit':


這是一個每次都保留余額的版本。 關鍵區別在於變量可以等於其先前值加上更改。 為了清楚起見,我重寫了一些內容。

credit_limit = 2000
current_balance = 0

while True:

    print('Welcome to the Credit Card Company')
    Purchase = int(input("How much was your purchase? "))
    current_balance = current_balance + Purchase

    print("Your account value right now: ", current_balance)

    if current_balance == credit_limit:
        print("You have reached your credit limit!", current_balance)

如果使用 while 循環,則可以無限地獲取用戶輸入:

credit_balance = 0
credit_limit = 2000

while True:
    purchase = int(input("How much was your purchase? "))
    credit_balance += purchase  # add purchase to credit_balance
    print("Your account value right now: ", credit_balance)
    if credit_balance >= credit_limit:
        print("You have reached/exceeded your credit limit!", Total)



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