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在兩個 Pandas 數據幀中應用兩列的模糊字符串匹配,同時保留相似性得分和 output a Pandas DataFrame

[英]Apply fuzzy string matching of two columns in two Pandas dataframes while preserving a similarity score and output a Pandas DataFrame

我有兩個要合並的數據框,基於公司名稱的主鍵和外鍵。 一個數據集有大約 50,000 個唯一的公司名稱,另一個數據集有大約 5,000 個。 每個列表中可以有重復的公司名稱。

為此,我嘗試遵循Figure out if a business name is very similar to another - Python中的第一個解決方案。 這是一個 MWE:

mwe1 = pd.DataFrame({'company_name': ['Deloitte', 
                                      'Ernst & Young',
                                      'intentionall typo company XYZ'
                    'revenue': [100, 200, 300, 250, 400]

mwe2 = pd.DataFrame({'salesforce_name': ['Deloite',
                     'CEO': ['John', 'Jane']

我正在嘗試從Figure out if a business name is very similar to another 中獲取以下代碼 - Python以工作:

# token2frequency is just a word counter of all words in all names
# in the dataset
def sequence_uniqueness(seq, token2frequency):
    return sum(1/token2frequency(t)**0.5 for t in seq)

def name_similarity(a, b, token2frequency):
    a_tokens = set(a.split())
    b_tokens = set(b.split())
    a_uniq = sequence_uniqueness(a_tokens)
    b_uniq = sequence_uniqueness(b_tokens)
    return sequence_uniqueness(a.intersection(b))/(a_uniq * b_uniq) ** 0.5



company_name                   revenue    salesforce_name         CEO     similarity_score
Deloitte                       100        Deloite                 John    98
PriceWaterhouseCoopers         200        Deloite                 John    0
KPMG                           300        Deloite                 John    15
Ernst & Young                  250        Deloite                 John    10
intentionall typo company XYZ  400        Deloite                 John    2
Deloitte                       100        PriceWaterhouseCooper   Jane    20
PriceWaterhouseCoopers         200        PriceWaterhouseCooper   Jane    97
KPMG                           300        PriceWaterhouseCooper   Jane    5
Ernst & Young                  250        PriceWaterhouseCooper   Jane    7
intentionall typo company XYZ  400        PriceWaterhouseCooper   Jane    3

如果您能想到的話,我也願意接受更好的最終狀態。 然后,我將過濾上面的表格以獲得類似的內容:

company_name                   revenue    salesforce_name         CEO     similarity_score
Deloitte                       100        Deloite                 John    98
PriceWaterhouseCoopers         200        PriceWaterhouseCooper   Jane    97


name_similarity(a = mwe1['company_name'], b = mwe2['salesforce_name'], token2frequency = 10)
AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'split'

我熟悉使用 lambda 函數,但不確定如何在遍歷兩個 Pandas 數據幀中的兩列時使其工作。

這是我使用 difflib 寫的class應該接近你需要的。

import difflib

import pandas as pd

class FuzzyMerge:
    Works like pandas merge except merges on approximate matches.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.left = kwargs.get("left")
        self.right = kwargs.get("right")
        self.left_on = kwargs.get("left_on")
        self.right_on = kwargs.get("right_on")
        self.how = kwargs.get("how", "inner")
        self.cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 0.8)

    def merge(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        temp = self.right.copy()
        temp[self.left_on] = [
            self.get_closest_match(x, self.left[self.left_on]) for x in temp[self.right_on]

        df = self.left.merge(temp, on=self.left_on, how=self.how)
        df["similarity_percent"] = df.apply(lambda x: self.similarity_score(x[self.left_on], x[self.right_on]), axis=1)

        return df

    def get_closest_match(self, left: pd.Series, right: pd.Series) -> str or None:
        matches = difflib.get_close_matches(left, right, cutoff=self.cutoff)

        return matches[0] if matches else None

    def similarity_score(left: pd.Series, right: pd.Series) -> int:
        return int(round(difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=left, b=right).ratio(), 2) * 100)


df = FuzzyMerge(left=df1, right=df2, left_on="column from df1", right_on="column from df2", how="inner", cutoff=0.8).merge()


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