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正在編寫一個程序,該程序將物品制作成購物清單。 我必須將它們分別存儲為變量 item1、item2、item3 和 output 每個項目

[英]Working on a program that takes items to make a shopping list. I must store them as variables item1,item2,item3 and output each item separately

有沒有辦法把提示數量減少到一行代碼,也許是一個列表格式提示時允許多行輸入框的提示? 非常感謝任何反饋。

let nameUser=prompt("What is your name?");//Request user to input their name

let item1=prompt("What is item 1 on your shopping list?");//Request user to input the first item on their shopping list
let item2=prompt("What is item 2 on your shopping list?");//Request user to input the second item on their shopping list
let item3=prompt("What is item 3 on your shopping list?");//Request user to input the third item on their shopping list

console.log(`${nameUser}'s shopping list:
`);//Print users shopping list with template literals


你可以使用 forloop

let nameUser=prompt("What is your name?");//Request user to input their name

let items = [];

for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){
    items[i] = prompt(`What is item ${i+1} on your shopping list?`);

console.log(`${nameUser}'s shopping list: \n${items.join('\n')}`);


let nameUser=prompt("What is your name?");
let obj = {}
for(let i=1;i<=3;i++){
    obj[`item${i}`]=prompt(`What is item ${i} on your shopping list?`);
 const {item1,item2,item3}=obj
 console.log(`${nameUser}'s shopping list:


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