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從 dbnull 類型到 double 類型的轉換無效

[英]Conversion from type dbnull to type double is not valid

<!-- Function 1-->   
Function GetStudentResultTotal(ByVal schid As String, ByVal level As String, ByVal session As String, ByVal term As String, ByVal klass As String, ByVal regno As String) As Double
        If SCH_ID <> "" Then
            schid = SCH_ID
        End If
        Dim total As Double = 0
        Dim subjectCount As Integer = 0
        Dim fields As New ArrayList
        fields.Add("SUM(" & StudentData.Total & ") AS GrandTotal")
        Dim filterValues As New Hashtable
        filterValues.Add(StudentData.SchoolID, schid)
        filterValues.Add(StudentData.Level, level)
        filterValues.Add(StudentData.Session, session)
        filterValues.Add(StudentData.Term, term)
        filterValues.Add(StudentData.Klass, klass)
        filterValues.Add(StudentData.RegNo, regno)
        Dim filterArgs As String = "WHERE " & StudentData.SchoolID & "=@" & StudentData.SchoolID & " AND " & StudentData.Level & "=@" & StudentData.Level & " AND " & StudentData.Session & "=@" & StudentData.Session & " AND " & StudentData.Term & "=@" & StudentData.Term & " AND " & StudentData.Klass & "=@" & StudentData.Klass & " AND " & StudentData.RegNo & "=@" & StudentData.RegNo
        Dim data As DataSet = _Data.GetData(StudentData.tblStudentResult, fields, filterValues, filterArgs)
        'If data.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
        '    For Each dr As DataRow In data.Tables(0).Rows
        '        total += CDbl(NormalizeRecord(dr(StudentData.Total)))
        '        subjectCount += 1
        '    Next
        'End If
        Dim dr As DataRow = data.Tables(0).Rows(0)
        total = CDbl(dr("GrandTotal"))
        Return total
    End Function

<!-- Function 2-->  

  Function GetData(ByVal tbl As String, ByVal values As ArrayList, ByVal filters As Hashtable, ByVal filterArgs As String) As DataSet
        Dim _ds As New DataSet
        Dim sql As String = "SELECT "
        Dim fields As String = ""
        Using conn As New MySqlConnection(connString)
            If values IsNot Nothing Then
                For i = 0 To values.Count - 1
                    If fields = "" Then
                        fields = values.Item(i).ToString
                        fields &= "," & values.Item(i).ToString
                    End If
                sql &= fields & " "
            End If
            sql &= "FROM " & tbl
            If filterArgs <> "" Then
                sql &= " " & filterArgs
            End If
            Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(sql, conn)
            If filters IsNot Nothing Then
                For i = 0 To filters.Count - 1
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" & filters.Keys(i), filters.Values(i))
            End If
            Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter(cmd)
        End Using
        Return _ds
    End Function

<!-- Function 3-->  
Function NormalizeRecord(ByVal value As String) As String
        If value = "-" Then
            value = "0"
        End If
        Return value
    End Function

我的代碼中描述的 Function 1 應該對列總計求和並返回結果,但如果它返回 null 值,它總是會拋出錯誤(從 dbnull 類型到 double 類型的轉換無效),尤其是在第一次插入記錄時。 我如何控制 null 值?


首先,您可能沒有任何行,或者返回的唯一行具有 null 值。

如果您執行“sum()”,那么如果任何行不是 null,那么您將得到一個值。

但是,沒有行,或者列中的行是 null,那么你會看到/得到/找到一個 null。

因此,一個簡單的解決方法是使用 isnull。


.Add("IsNull(SUM(" & StudentData.Total & "),0) AS GrandTotal")

以上可能是您最好的選擇,因為即使查詢由於篩選甚至不返回任何行,您仍然會返回 0。

編輯:我看到你將其標記為 MySQL,而不是 SQL 服務器 - 我的錯誤,所以我建議使用以下解決方案。

但是,實際上,您經常會在 data.tables 中遇到 null 個值(順便說一句,為什么要使用數據集代替 data.table?這里不需要數據集,因為您沒有表的集合)。



Public Function Nz(ByVal Value As Object, 
      Optional ByVal MyDefault As Object = "") As Object
    If Value Is Nothing OrElse IsDBNull(Value) Then
        Return MyDefault
        Return Value
    End If
End Function


total = nz(dr("GrandTotal"),0)

您可以/可以修改 SQL 查詢,並讓它為那些 null 行返回 0 值。


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